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 12    THE FOUNDATION FOR MANATEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, INC. GIVING IS A “FAMILY BUSINESS” If you want to hitch a ride to a place where caring and sharing prevail, get on board with Annette and Tom Dignam of Englewood. This altruistic couple has made philanthropy synonymous with the Dignam family name. After decades of service to others, the two are still tireless givers of time and resources, embodying a legacy of community involvement handed down to them from their parents. It’s no surprise their two children, Leslie and David, have become philanthropists in their own right. For the Dignams, community is family. “Like a father takes care of his family, we need to take care of our community,” explained Tom. A team in life as in their outreach, they take part in numerous and diverse philanthropic endeavors, making generous donations to various causes as well as working together to gain support from others. It’s all about hard work and being proactive. “This community needs people that ‘do,’ ” said Annette. Among her favorite causes is MCC’s Foundation, for which she serves as one of the Board’s directors. Always generous in their support of the College, the Dignams recently funded the Dignam Family of Englewood Mathematics Classroom, an exceptional addition to the school’s Venice campus.    

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