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 32   THE FOUNDATION FOR MANATEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, INC.       “Principal, Porges, Hamlin, Knowles, Prouty, Thompson & Najmy, PA President, Foundation Board of Directors “Senior VP/Senior Trust Officer, Gold Bank VP Foundation Board of Directors The growth and success of our community depends upon having a population that is well educated. The Foundation enhances the ability “Kerkering, Barberio & Co., PA, CPAs Treasurer, Foundation Board of Directors MCC serves our area in so many meaningful ways, and the Foundation helps those who recognize the College’s important role to give back to education to educate more people through scholarships and and their community. I am proud to be a part of additional faculty as well as equipment and facility that relationship. improvements. ing & Barberio hires MCC graduates. ”” Kerker” We’re proud of our association with MCC, and serving on the Board is an effective way to give back to an institution that gives so much to our community.    “““” CNO, Doctors Hospital President, Emcee Electronics Corporate Secretary, Key Agency Foundation Board of Directors Foundation Board of Directors Foundation Board of Directors I serve on the Foundation Board to be an am- I serve on the Foundation Board because it I serve on the Foundation Board because I bassador for making a difference in the educational enables me to participate in the betterment of the believe we are making a positive difference. I also ”” programs provided to our communities. MCC has lives of the men and women of all ages in Manatee know that our family has been blessed – so we want taken a very positive direction in recent years and I and Sarasota counties through education – education to give back. am proud to be part of that direction. that is both affordable and accessible to all.    “Dean Hanewinckel, PA Foundation Board of Directors “Financial Consultant, Smith Barney Foundation Board of Directors “President, Des Champs & Gregory Foundation Board of Directors ”community – is what has attracted me....It’s our community and our college. I believe in supporting the community that supports my family and me. As to why I serve on the Foundation Board: Serving on the Foundation Board gives me an Education is the answer to most of society’s ills. opportunity to participate in the next generation of And, there is never enough. my community. MCC’s middle name – ”” RICHARD GOBLE ANNETTE DIGNAM TOM HAYES CLINT MONTS DE OCA MAX CORZILIUS DON HAY STEVE PROUTY, ESQ. PAMELA CARROLL DEAN HANEWINCKEL, ESQ 

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