Page 120 - Shield-2019
P. 120

    Closing Ceremonies    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0t 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h     th t h SENIOR         A An n n ni iv v e er r r s s sa ar r r y y  w w                  Closing Ceremony. 118                   Chorus. or Mrs Cynthia Ramírez wishes to present a bouquet o rs fl lo ow we er Mr Mark Cross, Head o f S r Section. o of f Se en ni io                        s to Mrs Marcela Barrios for her contribution to Craighouse School. Fernanda Castillo and Pedro Letelier will present flowers to Mrs Verónica Linares and Mrs Mónica Trejo. o of f f f                                             GThe Shield 2019    

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