Page 118 - sscbbb
P. 118

[A] 9 [B] 10 [C] 8 [D] 11
38- If amount received on a certain amount after 3rd year is Rs. 1,240, what will be the amount (in Rs) after the 4th year on the same amount at 9% rate of interest?
मदद एक ननजश्चत याभश ऩय तीसये िषण भें अजजतण भभश्रधन 1,240 रु. है, तो उसी याभश ऩय ब्माज की 9% दय से चौथे िषण भें प्राप्त भभश्रधन(रु. भें) ककतना होगा?
22 August 2017 Morning Shift
[A] 1245.6 [B] 1521.6 [C] 1351.6 [D] 1220.6 39- A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs 1200 at the rate of 7.5%/yr in 4 years. What is the sum (in Rs)?
एक याभश 7.5% की िावषकण दय से 4 िषों भें साधायण ब्माज के रूऩ भें 1200 रु प्रदान कयती है। िह धनयाभश ककतनी है(रु भें)? 22 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
[A] 4000 [B] 6000 [C] 8000 [D] 7500
40- Albert invested an amount of x rupees in a fixed deposit scheme offering 10% per annum for 1st year and 15% per annum for 2nd year and received an amount of Rs 20,240 after the two years. What is x (in Rs)?
अल्फटण एक सािधध जभा मोजना भें x रुऩमे का ननिेश कयता है, जजसऩय ऩहरे िषण के भरए
ब्माज की िावषकण दय 10% औय दसू ये िषण के भरए 15% है तथा दो िषण फाद 20,240 रुऩमे
भभश्रधन के रूऩ भें प्राप्त कयता है। x का भान (रुऩमे भें) क्मा है?
22 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 15000 [B] 16000 [C] 14000 [D] 18000
41- The compound interest earned in two years at 8% per annum is Rs 4160. What is the sum (in Rs) invested?
दो िषण भें 8% की िावषकण दय से अजजतण चक्रिवृ ि ब्माज 4160 रुऩमे है। ननिेश की गई याभश (रुऩमे भें) ऻात कीजजमे।
23 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
[A] 24000 [B] 25000 [C] 30000 [D] 20000 42- A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs.5,400 at the rate of 12.5 %/yr in 4 years. What is the sum (in Rs)?
एकयाभशऩय4िषोंभें,12.5%प्रनतिावषकण दयसेकुरसाधायणब्माज5,400रु.प्राप्तहोता है। िह याभश (रु. भें) क्मा है?
23 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 11800 [B] 12800 [C] 9800 [D] 10800
43- What is the difference (in Rs) between the compound interests on Rs 1000 for 1 year at 10% per annum compounded yearly and half-yearly?

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