Page 222 - sscbbb
P. 222

11 - What is the reflection of the point (5, -2) in the line x = -1? येखा x = -1 भें बफदॊ ु (5, -2) का प्रनतबफफॊ क्मा होगा?
19 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] (-7 , -2) [B] (5 , 0)
12- What is the reflection of the point (3,-5) in the origin?
[C] (7 , -2) [D] (5 , 2) भरू भें बफदॊ ु (3,-5) / का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है? 20 August 2017 Morning Shift
[A] (–3, –5) [B] (5, –3) [C] (–5,–3) [D] (–3, 5) 13- What is the reflection of the point (3, 2) in the line y = –2?
येखा y=–2 भें बफदॊ ु (3,2)का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
[A] (–7 , 2) [B] (–3 , –6) [C] (–7 , –2) [D] (3 , –6)
14- What is the reflection of the point (–0.5, 6) in the x-axis? x-अऺ भें बफदॊ ु (–0.5, 6) का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
20 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] (0.5, –6) [B] (–6, –0.5) [C] (6, –0.5) [D] (–0.5, –6) 15- What is the reflection of the point (-3, 2) in the line x = 2?
येखा x=2 भें बफदॊ ु (-3,2)का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
[A] (-3, -6) [B] (-1, 2) [C] (-3, 6) [D] (7 , 2)
16- What is the reflection of the point (6, -1) in the line y = 2? येखा y=2 भें बफदॊ ु (6,-1)का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
21 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
[A] (-2, -1) [B] (-6, 5) [C] (6, 5) [D] (-2, 1) 17- What is the reflection of the point (4, 7) in the line y = -1?
येखा y=-1 भें बफदॊ ु (4,7)का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
21 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] (-6, 7) [B] (-4, -9) [C] (4, -9) [D] (-6, -7) 18- The point P (a, b) is first reflected in origin to P1 and P1 is reflected in Y-axis to (4, -3). What are the co-ordinates of point P?
बफदॊ ु P(a,b)ऩहरे भरू ऩय P1 ऩय प्रनतबफफॊ त होता है,कपय P1Y-अऺ भें (4,-3)प्रनतबफफॊ त होताहै।बफदॊुPकेननदेशाकॊ क्माहैं?
22 August 2017 Morning Shift
[A] (4, 3) [B] (-4, 3) [C] (3, 4) [D] (-3, 4) 19- What is the reflection of the point (2, -3.5) in the y-axis?
Y-अऺ भें बफदॊ ु (2, -3.5) का प्रनतबफम्फ क्मा है?
22 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
20 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
21 August 2017 Morning Shift

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