Page 306 - sscbbb
P. 306
[A] 2013 [B] 2016 [C] 2012 [D] 2014 86 - What is the cumulative profits (in lakh Rs) earned by the company in the given six years?
ददए गए छह िषों भें कॊ ऩनी द्िाया अजजतण सॊचनमत राब (राख रु भें) ककतना है? [A] 80 [B] 70 [C] 90 [D] 100
87 - By what value profit in 2012 was more (in %) than the profit of 2011? 2012 भें हुए राब का 2011 भें हुए राब की तरु ना भें ककतना अधधक भान (in % भें) था?
[A] 10 [B] 33.33 [C] 50 [D] 40
88 - If the profits are added to the company's reserves and the reserves stood at Rs 150 lakhs at the end of 2015, what were the reserves (in Rs. lakhs) in the beginning of 2012?
मदद राब को कॊ ऩनी के रयज़िण भें शाभभर ककमा जाता है औय 2015 के अतॊ भें रयज़िण 150 राख रु हो जाता है, तो 2012 के आॊयब भें रयज़िण (राख रु भें) ककतना था?
[A] 130 [B] 90 [C] 110 [D] 40 Direction(89-92): The bar graph shows annual inflation in two years 2015 and 2016 of four countries (A,B,C,D),study the diagram and answer the following questions.
फाय ग्राप दो िषण 2015 औय 2016 भें चाय देशों (A,B,C,D) की िावषकण भद्रु ास्पीती दशाणता है. इस आयेख का अध्ममन कयें औय ननम्नभरखखत प्रश्नों का उत्तय दें.
18 August 2017 Morning Shift
89 - In which country inflation in 2016 was lower than that of the previous year? िषण 2016 भें ककस देश की भद्रु ास्पीनत वऩछरे िषण की तरु ना भें कभ थी?
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8 77
2015 2016
ABCD Country/देश
[A] C [B] A
[C] B [D] D
Annual inflation in %
िावषकण भद्रुास्पीती(%में)