Page 316 - sscbbb
P. 316
127- Analysts believe that if candidate E had not stood in the fray then votes that he got would have been equally divided between F and C, then what would have been the result?
विश्रेषकों का भानना है कक मदद उम्भीदिाय E चनु ाि भें ख ा नहीॊ होता तो उसे प्राप्त भत F औय C के भध्म फयाफय विबाजजत हो जाते, तो इसका ऩरयणाभ क्मा होता?
[A] A would have lost by 1000 votes/ A, 1000 भतों से हाय जाता है
[B] F would have won by 2000 votes/ F, 2000 भतों से जीत जाता है
[C] F would have lost by 2000 votes/ F, 2000 भतों से हाय जाता है [D] A would have won by 1000 votes/ A, 1000 भतों से जीत जाता है
128- If voting attendance was 60% then how many names must be there in the voter list?
मदद भतदान उऩजस्थनत 60% यही हो तो भतदाता सचू ी भें ककतने नाभ होंगे?
[A] 225000 [B] 90000 [C] 144000 [D] 150000
21 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
129- Which wild life sanctuary has more tigers than D but less than F?
ककस िन्म जीि अभ्मायण्म भें Dकी तरु ना भें अधधक औय Fकी तरु ना भें कभ फाघ हैं?
[A] C [B] A [C] E [D] B
130- What will be the total number of tigers left in the six sanctuaries, if 3 tigers are killed by poachers in sanctuary E and 9 tigers are added to sanctuary A?
following question.
The pie chart shows the share of tiger population six Wild
life sanctuaries (A, B, C, D, E, F) of a country. Study the diagram and answer the
ऩाइ चाटण भें एक देश भें छह िन्म जीि अबमायण्मों (A,B,C,D,E,F)भें फाघों की सॊख्मा का
बाग दशाणमा गमा है। इस आयेख का अध्ममन कीजजए औय ननम्नभरखखत प्रश्न का उत्तय
F, 13
E, 22
D, 10
A, 29
B, 11 C, 5