Page 60 - sscbbb
P. 60

01 - The average of 17 results is 60. If the average of first 9 results is 57 and that
of the last 9 results is 65, then what will be the value of 9th result?
17 ऩरयणाभों का औसत 60 है। मदद प्रथभ 9 ऩरयणाभों का औसत 57 है तथा अॊनतभ 9 ऩरयणाभों
का औसत 65 है, तो 9 िें ऩरयणाभ का भान क्मा होगा?
05 August 2017 Morning Shift
[A] 39 [B] 78 [C] 117 [D] 156
02 - The average of 3 consecutive even numbers is A. If next 5 even numbers are added, then what is the average of these 8 numbers?
3 क्रभागत सभ सख्ॊ माओॊ का औसत A है। मदद अगरी 5 सभ सॊख्माओॊ को शाभभर ककमा जाता
है, तो इन 8 सॊख्माओॊ का औसत क्मा है? [A] A + 3 [B] A + 4
[A] 66 [B] 61
05 August 2017 Evening Shift
[C] A + 5 [D] A + 7
06 August 2017 Morning Shift
[C] 62 [D] 64
03- A batsman makes a score of 111 runs in the 10th match and thus increases his average runs per match by 5. What will be his average after the 10th match?
एक फल्रेफाज 10िें भैच भें 111 यन फनाता है एिॊ इस तयह प्रनत भचै उसके औसत यन भें 5 यनों की िवृ ि होती है| 10 िें भैच के फाद उसका औसत ककतना है?
 04. What is the average of all numbers between 9 and 90 which are divisible by 8? 9 औय 90 के फीच की सबी सॊख्माओॊ का औसत क्मा है जो 8 से विबाज्म हो?
06 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 53 [B] 52 [C] 51 [D] 50
 05 - The average of 5 members of a family is 24 years. If the youngest member is 8 years old, then what was the average age (in years) of the family at the time of the birth of the youngest member?
एक ऩरयिाय के 5 सदस्मों की औसत आमु 24 िषण है। मदद सफसे छोटे सदस्म की आमु 8 िषण है, तो सफसे छोटे सदस्म के जन्भ के सभम ऩरयिाय की औसत आमु (िषों भें) क्मा थी?
08 August 2017 Morning Shift
[A] 16 [B] 20 [C] 24 [D] 32
06 - 5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?
5 िषण ऩहरे एक ऩरयिाय की औसत आमु 35 िषण थी जजसभे वऩता, भाॉ औय ऩत्रु शाभभर है। 3

   58   59   60   61   62