Page 67 - sscbbb
P. 67

40- The average of four consecutive odd numbers is 40. What is the largest number?
चाय क्रभागत विषभ सॊख्माओॊ का औसत 40 है। सफसे फ ी सख्ॊ मा क्मा है?
22 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 42 [B] 45 [C] 43 [D] 44
41- A batsman makes a score of 95 runs in the 13th match and thus increases his average runs per match by 4. What is his average after the 13th match?
एक फल्रेफाज़ 13 िें भैच भें 95 यन फनाता है तथा उसके प्रनत भैच औसत यन भें 4 की िवृ ि हो जाती है। 13िें भैच के फाद उसका औसत ककतना होगा?
23 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
[A] 47 [B] 43 [C] 45 [D] 49
42- The average marks of 40 students in an examination was 34. It was later found that the marks of one student had been wrongly entered as 62 instead of 26. What is the correct average?
एक ऩयीऺा भें 40 विद्माधथमण ों के औसत अॊक 34 थे। फाद भें ऩामा गमा कक एक विद्माथी के अॊक गरती से 26 की फजाम 62 के रूऩ भें दजण ककए गए। सही औसत क्मा है?
23 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 33.1 [B] 33.3 [C] 33.5 [D] 33.7
43- In a class of 39 students there are 26 girls. The average weight of these girls is 42 Kgs and average weight of the full class is 48 kgs. What is the average weight (in kgs) of the boys of the class?
39 विद्माधथमण ों की एक कऺा भें 26 र ककमाॊ हैं। इन र ककमों का औसत बाय 42 कक.ग्रा. है औय ऩयू ी कऺा का औसत बाय 48 कक.ग्रा. है। कऺा के र कों का औसत बाय (कक.ग्रा. भें) ककतना है?
23 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 54 [B] 66 [C] 60 [D] 62
44. The average marks of 50 students in an examination was 65. It was later found that the marks of one student had been wrongly entered as 83 instead of 38. The correct average is?
ऩयीऺा भें 50 विद्माधथमण ों के औसत अॊक 65 थे। फाद भें मह ऩता चरा कक विद्माथी के 38 के
फजामे 83 अॊक जो ददए गए थे। सही औसत क्मा है?
17 February 2018 SSC MAINS
[A] 63.9 [B] 64.5 [C] 64.7 [D] 64.1
45. In a class of 50 students there are 22 girls who scored an average of 35 marks
in the test. What is the average marks of the boys if the class average is 42 marks?

   65   66   67   68   69