Page 84 - sscbbb
P. 84

[A] 25 [B] 30 [C] 35 [D] 27
67. A man's annual income has increased by Rs 2 lakhs but the tax on income that he has to pay has reduced from 20% to 16%. He now pays the same amount of tax as before. What is his increased income (in Rs lakhs)?
एक व्मजक्त की िावषकण आम भें 2राख रुऩमे की िवृि हुई है,रेककन आम ऩय कय चकु ाने के भरए उन्हें 20% से घटाकय 16% कय ददमा गमा है। िह अफ ऩहरे की तयह उसी कय का
बगु तान कयता है। उसकी फढ़ी हुई आम ककतनी है? (राख रु भें)
 09 March 2018 SSC MAINS
09 March 2018 SSC MAINS(2nd paper)
[A] 8 [B] 10 [C] 12 [D] 6
 68. 150% of 0.05% of x is 75. Find x.
xके 0.05%का150%,75है।xऻातकीजजए।
 [A] 1,00,000 [B] 75,000 [C] 1,25,000 [D] 1,50,000 69. A student multiplied a number by 4/5 instead of 5/4. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
एक विद्माथी एक सख्ॊ मा को 5/4के स्थान ऩय 4/5से गणु ा कय देता है। गणना भें हुई प्रनतशत त्रटु ी क्मा है? 09 March 2018 SSC MAINS(2nd paper)
[A] 16 [B] 25 [C] 36 [D] 20
70. Elections were held in a society to elect a chairman. There were only two candidates A and B. Candidate B got 25% less votes than candidate A. The number of members who did not cast the vote was same as the number of votes that candidate B got. By how many votes did A win if the society had 20,000 members.
एक सोसाइटी भें अध्मऺ ऩद के चमन के भरए चनु ाि आमोजजत ककमा जाता है। के िर दो
 उम्भीदिाय A औय B है। उम्भीदिाय-B को A से 25% कभ िोट भभरते है। उन सदस्मों की सॊख्मा जजन्होंने िोट नही ददमा, B को भभरे िोटों की सॊख्मा के फयाफय थी। मदद सोसाइटी भें
20000 सदस्म है, तो A को ककतने िोट भभरे? 09 March 2018 SSC MAINS(2nd paper) [A] 6000 [B] 4000 [C] 8000 [D] 2000
71. 250% of a = b, then b% of 250 is the same as a% of ________. a का 250% = b है, तो 250 का b%, _____ के a% के सभान है ?
 [A] 625 [B] 1000
09 March 2018 SSC MAINS(2nd paper) [C] 100 [D] 6250

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