Page 93 - sscbbb
P. 93

43- If a saree is sold for Rs 2880 the seller will face 10% loss, at what price (in Rs) should he sell to gain 20% profit?
मदद एक सा ी को 2880रु. भें फेचा जाता है,तो विक्रेता को 10% की हानन होती है,उसे 20% राब अजजतण कयने के भरए सा ी को ककस कीभत (रु. भें) ऩय फेचना चादहए?
23 August 2017 Evening Shift
[A] 4830 [B] 3840 [C] 3480 [D] 4380
44. Oil equal to 20% of the weight of ground nut is extracted in a mill. The matter left after extraction is sold as cattle feed at the rate of Rs 12.5/kg. The groundnuts are bought at Rs 20/kg. The processing cost is Rs 5/kg. At what price (Rs per kg) should the oil be sold to earn 20% profit on total costs (Total cost =Cost of groundnuts and Processing costs)?
एकभीरभेंभॊगू परीकेबायके20%केफयाफयतेरननकाराजाताहै।तेरननकारनेकेफादशेषऩदाथण
कोऩश-ुचायेके रूऩभें12.5रु./ककग्राकीदयसेफेचाजाताहै।भगॊू परीको20रुप्रनतककग्राकीदयसे
खयीदाजाताहै।प्रसस्ॊ कयणकीभत5रुप्रनतककग्राहै।तेरकोककसभल्ू म(रुप्रनतककग्रा)ऩयफेचाजामे
जजससेकुरकीभतऩय20%राबप्राप्तहो(कुरकीभत=भॊगू परीकीकीभतऔयप्रसस्ॊ कयणकीभत)?
17 February 2018 SSC MAINS
[A] 250 [B] 150 [C] 200 [D] 100
45. If a vendor sells a coconut at Rs 14.4 he makes 10% loss. If he wants to make 25% profit, then at what price (in Rs) should he sell?
मदद एक विक्रे ता 14.4 रु ऩय एक नारयमर को फेचता है तो उसे 10% की हानन होती है। मदद िह 25% राब चाहता है, तो उसे की ककस कीभत ऩय (रु भें) नारयमर फेचना चादहए?
17 February 2018 SSC MAINS
[A] 18 [B] 20 [C] 16 [D] 22
46. At a village trade fair a man buys a horse and a camel together for Rs 51,250. He sold the horse at a profit of 25 % and the camel at a loss of 20 %. If he sold both the animals at the same price, then the cost price of the cheaper animal was Rs ____________.
गाॉिके एकभेरेभेंएकव्मजक्त51,250रुऩमेऩयएकघो ाऔयऊॊटखयीदताहै।उसनेघो ेको25%के राबऔयऊॊटको20%कीहाननऩयफेचददमा।मददिहदोनोंजानियोंकोसभानभल्ू मऩयफेचताहै,तो
सस्ते जनािय का क्रम भल्ू म _____रु था। 17 February 2018 SSC MAINS
[A] 6600 [B] 7500 [C] 25000 [D] 20000
47. On a certain item profit is 150%. If the cost price increases by 25% what will be the new profit margin (in %)?
एकननजश्चतिस्तुऩयराब150%है।मददक्रमभल्ू मभें25%कीिवृिहोतीहै,तोनमाराबभाजजनण (% भें) क्मा होगा?

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