Page 120 - ToroPriceListNov2018
P. 120
Tight Seals, Eas
TM 5 Pro-LocTM Tape Fittings 16 mm – 5 /8”
FITTINGS Pgs101-146:- 2/11/11 6:04 PM Page 40
Pro-Loc Tape Fittings 16 mm – /8”
TM 5 Pro-LocTM Tape Fittings 16 mm – 5/8”
Pro-LocTM Tape Fittings 16 mm – 5/8” Pro-LocTTMM Tape Fittings 16 mm – 5/ ”
5 Pro-Loc TapeFiitttininggss1166mmm––/8”/8”
List Price
Code Description DCiosdc.e PSaiczke Leixsctl.PGriScTe* Disc. Pack List Price
Code Description CDoisdce. PSaizcek LeLixisctl.PGrSicTe*
Tight Seals, Easy to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape fittings easy to find, remove and reuse Tight Seals, Easy to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape fittings easy to find, remove and reuse
Tight Seals,
Tight Seals, Easy to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape fittings easy to find, remove and reuse
EasyFTAt5o-2I5n0sBtal1l6–mmBTraipge hx t25B0 lSuereies NBaurbtAmdapatekr es tape fittings easy
to find,
Tight Seals, Easy to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape fittings easy to find, remove and reuse
FTA5-250B FTA5-400B
16mm Tape x 250 Series Barb Adapter
16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter
16mmTape x 2B5a0rbSeedrTieaskeBoafrfb(sAuditap1t0e1rP4 Punch / 4.5mm hole)
DF 50 0.58
Disc. Pack
remDFove a5n0 d reus0e.58 DF 50 0.58
Disc. Pack List Price
FTA5-250B FTA5-400B
16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter 16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter
DF 1500 00.5.683 DF 50 0.58
DF 50 0.58
FTA5-400B FTA5-400B
16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter 16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter
DF 50 0.58 DF 50 0.58
16mm Tape x
DF 100 00.6.603 DF 50 0.58
FTA5-400B FFTTA5--422550GB FTA5-425G
4B2a5rbSeedrTieaskeBoafrfb(swu/iGt 7as.5kmetm 16mm Tape x 400 Series Barb Adapter
DFF 1050 0..6508 DF 100 0.60
FTA5-425G FTA5-425G
1166mmTTaappeexx4250SSeerrieiessBBaarrbbwA/dGaapstkeert 16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Gasket
DF 100 0.60 DF 100 0.60
16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Gasket 16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Gasket
DF 100 0.64 DF 100 0.92 DF 100 0.60
16mm Tape x Barbed Takeoff with Integral Gasket (requires 14mm hole)
FTA5-425G FFTTA5--42050GBR
16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Grommet
FTA5-425GR FTA5-425GR
16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Gasket 1166mmTTaappeexx442050SSeerrieiessBBaarrbbwA/dGarpotmermet
DFF 1050 0..9528 DF 100 0.92
FTA5-425GR FTA5-500HB FTA5-425GR
16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Grommet 16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Grommet
DF 100 0.92 DF 100 00.9.929
FFTTA5--540205HGB FTA5-500HB
1166mmTTaappeexx540205SSeerrieiessHBoasreb Bwa/rGbaAskdeatpter 16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.92 DFF 11000 0..60 DF 100 0.60
16mmTape x 4B2a5rbSeedrTieaskeBoafrfb wi/tGhrRomubmbetr Grommet 16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb Adapter
16mm Tape x 425 Series Barb w/Grommet
DF 100 0.60
FTAH5G-4500HB FTA5-500HB
1G6rmommTeatpOenxly500 Series Hose Barb Adapter 16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb Adapter
DF 100 00.6.500 DF 100 0.60
16mm Tape x 700 Series Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.60
FTA5-500HB FFTTA5--740205BGR FTA5-700B FTA5-500HB
16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb Adapter 1166mmTTaappeexx740205SSeerrieiessBBaarrbbAwd/aGprtoemr met
DF 100 0.60 DFF 11000 0..6902 DF 100 0.60
FTA5-700B FTA5-700B
16mm Tape x 16mm OD tube Barbed Adaptor
16mm Tape x 700 Series Barb Adapter 16mm Tape x 700 Series Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.76
16mm Tape x 700 Series Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.64 DF 100 0.60 DF 100 0.60
FTA5-700B FFTTA5--7500HB FTA5-700BHB
16mm Tape x 700 Series Hose Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.60 DFF 11000 0..7660
FTA5-700HB FTA5-700HB
16mm Tape x 700 Series Barb Adapter 1166mmTTaappeexx75000SSeerrieiessHoosseeBBaarrbbAddaapptteerr 16mm Tape x 7B0a0rbSeedrTieaskeHofsfe Barb Adapter
DF 100 00.7.64
16mm Tape x 700 Series Hose Barb Adapter 16mm Tape x 700 Series Hose Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.76 DF 100 0.76
16mm Tape x Female Hose Swivel Adapter
DF 100 1.65
16mm Tape x 700 Series Hose Barb Adapter
DF 100 0.76
DFF 11000 10..650 DF 100 0.82 DF 100 1.65
16mm Tape x 20mm OD tube Barbed Adaptor
16mm Tape x Female Hose Swivel Adapter
DF 100 1.65 DF 100 1.65
16mm Tape x Female Hose Swivel Adapter 16mm Tape x Female Hose Swivel Adapter
DF 100 0.67 DF 100 1.65 DF 50 1.76
16mm Tape x 3/4” MPT Male Adapter 16mm Tape x Female Hose Swivel Adapter
1166mmTTaappeexx37/040” SMePriTesMHaoleseABdarpbteArdapter 16mm Tape x 3/4” MPT Male Adapter
DF 100 0.67 DF 100 0.67
16mm Tape x 20mm Female Hose Swivel Adaptor
DFF 11000 0..6776 DF 100 0.67
16mm Tape x 3/4” MPT Male Adapter 16mm Tape x 3/4” MPT Male Adapter
DF 50 1.19
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff – Single Grip
DF 100 00.6.71 DFF 5100 1..1695 DF 50 1.19
16mmTapex3/4”MBSPTMMAadleapAtdoarpter 1166mmTTaappeexxLFaeymflatleTaHkoesoeffSw– iSvienlgAledaGprtiper 16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff – Single Grip
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff – Single Grip 16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff – Single Grip
DF 50 1.19 DF 50 1.19
16mmTapeCxoLuapy linatgTakeoff–SingleGrip 16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff – Single Grip
DF 50 01.7.438 DF 50 1.19
1166mmTTaappeeCxo3u/p4l”ingMPT Male Adapter 16mm Tape Coupling
DFF 5100 0..7637 DF 50 0.73
FTC500 FTC500
16mm Tape Coupling 16mm Tape Coupling
DF 50 0.73 DF 50 0.73
16mm Tape Coupling
DF 50 0.91 DF 50 1.70 DF 50 0.73
16mm Tape Tee
FTC500 FFTTA550-0LF FTT500
16mm Tape Coupling 1166mmTTaappeeTxeeLayflat Takeoff – Single Grip
DFF 5500 1..7109 DF 50 1.70
FTT500 FTT5500
16mm Tape Tee 16mm Tape Tee
DF 50 1.70 DF 150 16.7.502
1S6omckmet/TTaopoel fToerePro-loc 5/8” Fittings 16mm Tape Tee x 500 Series Hose Barb 16mm Tape Tee
DF 50 2.69
FTT500 FFTTC55-5000HB
1166mmTTaappeeTCeoeuxp5lin0g0 Series Hose Barb 16mm Tape Tee x 500 Series Hose Barb
DF 50 1.70 DFF 5500 20..6793 DF 50 2.69
FTT5-05000HB FTT5-500HB
16mmTape Tee x 500 Series Hose Barb 16mm Tape Tee x 500 Series Hose Barb
DF 50 21.6.892 DF 50 2.69
16mm Tape Tee x 700 Series Hose Barb
DF 50 2.38
FTT5-500HB FFTTT5-0700HB
16mm Tape Tee x 500 Series Hose Barb 1166mmTTaappeeTTeeex 700 Series Hose Barb
DF 50 2.69 DFF 5500 21..3780 DF 50 2.38
16mm Tape Tee x 700 Series Hose Barb
16mm Tape x 16mm OD tube Barbed Tee
DF 50 2.87 DF 50 2.38 DF 50 2.38
FTT5-700HB FTT5-700HB
16mm Tape Tee x 700 Series Hose Barb 16mm Tape Tee x 700 Series Hose Barb
16mm Tape Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.87
FTT5-700HB FFTTVT50-5000HB FTVT5-0700HB
16mm Tape Tee x 700 Series Hose Barb 1166mmTTaappeeSTheuet xO5ff0V0aSlveeries Hose Barb
DF 50 2.38 DFF 5500 12..8679
FTV500 FTV500
16mmTape Sxh2u0tmOmff VOaDlvteube Barbed Tee
DF 50 12.8.574
16mm Tape Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.87 DF 50 1.87
16mm Tape x 250 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92
16mm Tape Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.87
1166mmTTaappeexT2ee50x B7a0r0b SAedriaepstHeroSsehuBtaOrbff Valve
DFF 5500 12..9328 DF 50 1.99 DF 50 1.92
16mm Tape Shut Off Valve
FTV5-250B FTV5-250B
16mm Tape x 250 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92 DF 50 1.92
FTV5-400B FTV5-250B FTV5-250B
16mm Tape x 250 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 250 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92 DF 50 1.92 DF 50 2.07
16 mm Tape x 16mm OD tube Barbed Shut Off Valve
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff Shut Off Valve
16mm Tape x 400 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 250 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
FFTTV5-0400B FTV5-400B
16mm Tape x Barbed Shut Off Valve (suit 101P4 Punch / 4.5mm hole)
DFF 5500 1..9827 DF 50 1.92
FTV5-400B FTV5-400B
1166mmTTaappeexS4h0u0t OBfafrVbaAlvdeapter Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 400 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92 DF 50 1.92
16mm Tape x 400 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 400 Barb Adapter Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92
FTV5-4020BN FFTTV5--42250BN
16mm Tape x 420 Series Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
DF 1500 12.9.025 DFF 5500 1..92 DF 50 1.92
16mmTape x 4B0a0rbB(asurbitA1d0ampmterhSohleu)twOiftfhVLaolcvkeing Nut Shut Off Valve 1166mmTTaappeexx42500SBearirebsABdaarbptweritShhLuotcOkifnfgVaNlvuet Shut Off Valve
FTV5-420BN FTV5-420BN
16mm Tape x 420 Series Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
DF 50 1.92 DF 50 1.92
FTV5-500HN FTV5-420BN
16mm Tape x 420 Series Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 420 Series Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
DF 50 22.7.954 DF 50 1.92
FFTTV5--5400HBN FTV5-500HN
16mm Tape x 420 Series Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve 1166mmTTaappeexx54000SBearirebsAHdoaspeteBraSrbhuwtitOhffLoVcaklvineg Nut Shut Off Valve
DFF 5500 21..7952 DF 50 2.75
16mmTape x 51060mSmerOieDs tHuobseBarrbwiitthLockiingNuttShuttOfffVaalvlvee
FTV5-500HN FTV5-500HN
16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
DF 50 2.75 DF 50 2.75
16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve 16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
DF 50 2.02 DF 50 2.89 DF 50 2.75
16mm Tape x 500 Series Hose Barb with Locking Nut Shut Off Valve 1166mmTTaappeexxL4a2yf0laSteTraiekseBoaffrbShwuithOfLfoVckailnveg Nut Shut Off Valve
DFF 5500 21..8992 DF 50 2.89
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff Shut Off Valve
DF 50 2.89 DF 50 21.8.694
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff Shut Off Valve 16mmmTTaappeexELlbaoyfwlat Takeoff Shut Off Valve
DF 50 2.40
16mm Tape x Low Pressure Flush Valve
DF 50 2.89 DFF 5500 2..4705 DF 50 2.40
16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff Shut Off Valve 1166mmTTaappeexxL5o0w0PSrersiseusrHeoFsluesBhaVrbalwveith Locking Nut Shut Off Valve
16mm Tape x Low Pressure Flush Valve
DF 50 21.4.806 DF 50 2.40
16mmmTTaappeexxL1⁄2ow" BPrSePsMsuAredFalputsohr Valve 16mm Tape x Low Pressure Flush Valve
DF 50 2.40 DF 50 2.89 DF 50 3.08
T-Handle Hex Tool for Layflat Installation T-Handle Hex Tool for Layflat Installation
DF 50 9.05 DF 50 9.05
Size excl. GST*
Code Description Code Size eexcll. GST* y to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape fittings easy to find, remove and reuse
Code Description Code Size excl. GST* FTA5-250B 16mm Tape x 250 Series Barb Adapter DF 50 0.58
Tight Seals, EasyFTAt5o-2I5n0sBtal1l6–mmBTraipge hx t25B0 lSuereies NBaurbtAmdapatekr es tape fittings easy to find, remDFove a5n0 d reus0e.58 Tight Seals, Easy to Install – Bright Blue Nut makes tape ttings easy to nd, remove and reuse
FTA5-250B 16mm Tape x 250 Series Barb Adapter DF 50 0.58
16mm Tape x Low Pressure Flush Valve 16mm Tape x Layflat Takeoff Shut Off Valve
T-Handle Hex Tool for Layflat Installation T1-H6manmdlTeaHpexxTLoowl foPreLsasyufrleatFIlnusthalVlatlivoen
DF 50 9.05 DFF 5500 92..0450
16mm Tape x Lay at Takeoff Shut Off Valve - Single Grip
DF 50 93.0.756
101P7 101P11
T-Handle Hex Tool for Layflat Installation
T-Handle Hex Tool for Lay at Installation
T-Handle Hex Tool for Layflat Installation
Hole Punch - 7 mm (suits FTA5-400B) Hole Punch - 11 mm (suits FTA5-425G)
DF 50 9.05
DF 25 9.67 DF 50 9.05
IA 1 20.33
IA 1 20.33
* All prices exclude a 10% GST
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* All prices exclude a 10% GST * All prices exclude a 10% GST
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* All prices exclude a 10% GST * All prices exclude a 10% GST
Pro-Loc Tape Fittings 16 mm – / ”
Code DescriptioTnM C5ode Size excl. GST* Code Description CDoisdce. PSaizcek eLxisctl.PGrSicTe*
* All prices exclude a 10% GST