Page 148 - ToroPriceListNov2018
P. 148

TBCWP – Commercial Battery Operated Controllers
Hand Held Remote
Plug-in Transformers Plug-in Transformers
TC 1
TC 1 900.00
Custom Commands Built After April 2010, TMC424 and future controller models.
Custom Commands Built After April 2010, TMC424 and future controller models. TMR-1-TX-A Hand held Remote Transmitter
Disc. Pack List Price TC 1 900.00
TMBCRCo-dW1e-TPX-R-A-1HaDn1deZshocenrliedpDtRi.eoCmn.oCtoenTtraonllsemr.i4ttePrrograms,10starts/Program,SensorReady, TMR-1-RX-A Remote Receiver
CToTCdCe S1i1ze ex93c0l2.05G..S0T0* TC 1 762.50
TMR-1-RX-A RemWoateteRr-epcreoiovfeerd to IP68, 2 x 9V Batteries (not included) Infra-red and Radio Capable Toro Controller Accessories
TC 1 762.50 TC 11 41560..500
TMBRC-W1-CPC-R-2 Cab2leZoCnoennDe.cCt.oCr ofonrtrRoellmero.t4e Programs, 10 starts / Program, Sensor Ready,
TC 1 16.50
Cable Connector for Remote
TAodraopMtoaritnoteunsaenTcMe R-e1mwotitehfeMaCtu-rEe,sK1wTikrDaniaslmainttderR,a1inRDeicaeliver, Charger, Connector to Water-proofed to IP68, 2 x 9V Batteries (not included) Infra-red and Radio Capable
TC 1 DTisCc. P1ack
Code Size
145306.00 List3P6r.i0c0e
excl. GST*
Adaptor to use TMR-1 with MC-E, KwikDial and RainDial
Controller with durable storage case. Remote works with Kwikdial, Raindial R, TMC212,
4 Zone D.C. Controller. 4 Programs, 10 starts / Program, Sensor Ready, Custom Commands Built After April 2010, TMC424 and future controller models.
497.50 SS 1 36.25
Water-proofed to IP68, 2 x 9V Batteries (not included) Infra-red and Radio Capable TBCWP – CommTMeRr-1c-TiXa-lA BHantdteherldyReOmpote TrrantsemditteCr ontrollers (Hand Held Remote)
Irritrol Soil Moisture Sensor
101SMS Pllug--iinTrransffo1rr0m1mSeMerSrs
Soil Moisture Sensor, 24VAC, compatible with most irrigation controllers, easy to Soil Moisture Sensor, 24VAC, compatible with most irrigation controllers, easy to
* All prices exclude a 10% GST
and/or poor programming. Comes in individual “Gift Box” complete with full and/or poor programming. Comes in individual “Gift Box” complete with full
installation instructions. installation instructions.
Irritrol Soil Moisture Sensor
101PIT 101PIT
Plug-in Transformer, 240/24 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.0 amp (Non Weather Proof) Plug-in Transformer, 240/24 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.0 amp (Non Weather Proof)
SS 1 36.25 TC 1 487.50 TC 1 498.20
Hand Held Remote Control. 50 m Radius, 99 Program, IP68 Rated, Infra-red and
Hand Held Remote Control. 50m Radius, 99 Program, IP68 Rated, Infra-red and
TC 1 762.50
Remote Receiver
101PIT 101PIT
Radio Capable, Compatible with TmoorostTCBoCmWpPetantdivemCoostmCmoemrcpieatlitDiv.Ce.CPormodmuecrtcial Cable Connector for Remote
TC 1 TC 1
IC 1/20 IC 1/20
16.50 36.00
110.00 110.00
Irritrol Soil Moisture Sensor
D.C. Controllers
Adaptor to use TMR-1 with MC-E, KwikDial and RainDial
N.B. TBC uses DCLS Latching Solenoids.
install, as retro-fit or in new systems. Measuring electrical impedence between two install, as retro-fit or in new systems. Measuring electrical impedence between two
Plug-in Transformer, 240/24VAC, 50Hz, 0.9 amp (Non weather proof)
SS 1
Plug-in Transformer, 240/24 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.0 amp (Non Weather Proof) sensor probes, the 101SMS prevents over-watering due to weather changes sensor probes, the 101SMS prevents over-watering due to weather changes
SS 1
Page 203
6600.0.307 60.00
119978.5.700 197.50
Rain Sensors Rain Sensors
Rain Sensors
RS500 RS500
RS1000-I RS1000-I
RS500 Irritrol Wired Rain Sensor with 5 Sensitivity Settings. Quick-ClipTM Gutter Bracket, SR-1 Richdel Pump Start Relay, 2 HP-24V for 2 HP Single Phase 240 VAC Pumps
Rain Sensors
101SMS Soil Moisture Sensor, 24VAC, compatible with most irrigation controllers, easy to TM TM
IC 1/20
TC 1 TC 1
TC 1 TC 1
TRS ToroToWroirWedireRdaiRnaSinenSseonrso, r4s,S4enSseintisvitiyviStyetStientgtisn,gQs,uQicuki-cCkl-iCpTlMipGuGttuetrteBraBcrkaectk,et, TRS Toro Wired Rain Sensors, 4 Sensitivity Settings, Quick-Clip Gutter Bracket,
install, as retro-fit or in new systems. Measuring electrical impedence between two
7.6 m of Cable N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. 3 Year Warranty and Manual Test Facility 7.67m.6omf CoafbCleabNle.CN..(CF.a(cFtaocrytoSryetS)eotr) Nor.ON..O3.Y3eYaeraWr WarararrnatnytaynadndMManaunaulaTleTsetsFtaFcaicliitlyity
sensor probes, the 101SMS prevents over-watering due to weather changes
TWRS-I aTnodroT/oWropiroWeoliersepslreoRsgsariRnaamSinemnSisneognr.swoCriotwmhieSthsmiSanmrtinaBdrytipvBiadysupsaTMlss“NG.C.ifN.t.(”oarcytoomSreypt)lSeeotter)Nwo.riOtNh..SfOui.gllSniaglnal Strength
TWRS-I Toro Wireless Rain Sensor with Smart Bypass N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. Signal iSntsrteaInlldgaitchiaoItnodri.nic1sat5rt2uocrm.ti1oRn5as2n. mge,RLaCnDgeD, iLsCpDlayDpisrpolvaiydepsroSveindseosrSSetnastours.Status.
Strength Indicator. 152 m Range, LCD Display provides Sensor Status. Suits All Models. 3 Year Warranty
SuitSsuAitlsl AMlloMdeolsd.e3ls.Y3eaYreaWr aWrrarnratynty
TWRFS-I Toro Wireless Rain/Freeze Sensor with Smart BypassTM NTM.C. (Factory Set) or N.O.
TC 1
TWRFS-I Toro Wireless Rain/Freeze Sensor with Smart Bypass N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. LCD TWRFS-I Toro Wireless Rain/Freeze Sensor with Smart Bypass N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O.
TC 1
LCD Display Shows Temperature Adjustable Freeze Shut-off Point (1.7 - 7.2oc) LCDDisipslpalyayShSohwows TseTmempepreartautruerAe dAjudsjutasbtaleblFereFerezezSehSuht-uotf-foPffoPinotin(1t .(71.-77-.27°.2c)oc)
TC 1 TC 1
247.50 60.00
TRS Toro Wired Rain Sensors, 4 Sensitivity Settings, Quick-ClipTM Gutter Bracket, Signal Strength, 152 m Range. 3 Year Warranty
Signal Strength, 152 m Range. 3 Year Warranty
Signal Strength, 152 m Range. 3 Year Warranty
7.6 m of Cable N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. 3 Year Warranty and Manual Test Facility
RS500 Irritrol Wired Rain Sensor with 5 Sensitivity Settings. Quick-ClipTM GTMutter Bracket,
IC 1 IC 1
57.50 5577.5.805
RS500 IrritIroriltrWolirWedireRdaiRnaSinenSseonrsworithw5ithSe5nsSietinvsitiytivSietyttSinegttsi.nQgsu.icQku-iCclkip-CliGp utGteurtBterracBkreatc,ket , TWRS-I Toro Wireless Rain Sensor with Smart BypassTM N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. Signal
TC 1 IC 1
197.50 172.50
Pump Starts and Lightning Rod Kits Pump Starts and Lightning Rod Kits
7.6 m of Cable, N.C. with 3 Year Warranty and Manual Test Facility 7.67m.6omfoCfaCblaeb,lNe,.CN.Cw.iwthit3hY3eYaeraWrWararrarnatnytyanadndMManaunaulaTleTeststFFaaccililtiyty Strength Indicator. 152 m Range, LCD Display provides Sensor Status.
RS1000-I Irritrol Wireless Rain Sensor with advanced Smart BypassTM. NTM.C. but N.O. capable.
11723.5.205 247.50
RS1000-I IrritIroriltrWolirWeleirsesleRsasiRnaSinenSseonrsworitwh iathdvadnvcaendceSdmSamrtaBrytpBayspsas.sN.CN..bCu. tbuNt.ON.Oca. pcapbaleb.le. Suits All Models. 3 Year Warranty
IC 1 TC 1
Installation ValidationTM, Signal strength indicator. 91 m Range, Installation ValidationTM, Signal strength indicator. 91 m Range,
Installation ValidationTM, Signal strength indicator. 91m Range,
TWRFS-I Toro Wireless Rain/Freeze Sensor with Smart BypassTM N.C. (Factory Set) or N.O. Suits all models. Replaceable 5 year battery. 3 Year warranty.
Suits all models. Replaceable 5 year battery. 3 Year warranty.
Suits all models Replaceable 5 year battery. 3 Year warranty
LCD Display Shows Temperature Adjustable Freeze Shut-off Point (1.7 - 7.2oc) Signal Strength, 152 m Range. 3 Year Warranty
Pump Starts and Lightning Rod Kits
1013580 Lightning Rod Kit - Includes Copper Rod (1.8 m) and Clamp
Installation ValidationTM, Signal strength indicator. 91 m Range, Suits all models. Replaceable 5 year battery. 3 Year warranty.
IC 1 IC 1
57.50 137.50
1013580 LighLtignhintgniRngodRKodit K- iItn-clIundcelusdCeospCpoeprpReordR(o1d.8(1.m8)man)daCndlaCmlpamp
RS1000-I Irritrol Wireless Rain Sensor with advanced Smart BypassTM. N.C. but N.O. capable.
MM 1 IC 1
112157.0.707 172.50
SR-1 SR-1
SR-1 RichRdicehl dPeulmPpumStparSttaRretlaRye,la2y,H2P-H2P4-V24foVr f2orH2P HSPinSgilnegPlehaPshea2se4024V0AVCAPCumPupms ps 7.6 m of Cable, N.C. with 3 Year Warranty and Manual Test Facility
IC 1 MM 1
113378.5.304 125.00
* All prices exclude a 10% GST * All prices exclude a 10% GST
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137.50 125.00
Page 169
Pump Starts and Lightning Rod Kits
* All prices exclude a 10% GST
Page 138
* All prices exclude a 10% GST
SR-1 1013580
Richdel Pump Start Relay, 2 HP-24V for 2 HP Single Phase 240 VAC Pumps Lightning Rod Kit - Includes Copper Rod (1.8 m) and Clamp
IC 1 MM 1
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