Page 159 - ToroPriceListNov2018
P. 159

101PBVT20 20 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve 101PBVT25 25 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
VG 100
VG 100
VG 100
VG 48
7.84 11.16 13.54
List Price
Manual Valves 101PBVT32 32 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
Manual Valves
40 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
50 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
80 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
101PBVT15 15 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
101PBVT15 15 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
101PBVT20 20 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
Brass Ball Valves (1035 kPa) with Stainless Steel Handles and Nuts
20 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
25 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
15 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
25 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
32 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
20 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
32 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
40 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
25 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
40 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
50 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
32 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
50 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
80 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
40 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
80 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
100 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Vallve
50 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
100 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve
80 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
Disc. Pack CDoisdce. PSaizcek
eeLxicscltl.PGrSicTe* 30.40
Code 101PBVT50
VG 24
Code 101PBVT80
Code Size
excl. GST* 106.88
Plastic Ball Valves – Threaded (1035 kPa)
VG 12 VG 6
VG 100 VG 100
VG 100 VG 100
VG 100 VG 144
VG 100
VG 100 VG 96
VG 100
VG 48 VG 60
VG 48
VG 24 VG 36
VG 24
VG 12 VG 24
VG 12
VG 6 VG 12
VG 6 VG 2
VG 2
VG 144 VG 144
VG 19464
VG 96
VG 9660 VG 10/100
VG 60
VG 4306 VG 10/90
VG 36
VG 3264 VG 5/60
VG 24
VG 2142 VG 5/30
VG 12
VG 12 VG 4/24
VG 2
VG 2 VG 2/18
VG 2
Plastic Ball Valves – Threaded (1035 kPa)
101PBVT100 100 mm PVC Tee-Handled BSP Threaded Ball Valve Plastic Ball Valves – Threaded (1035 kPa)
66.6.251 6.65 77.8.842 7.84
101PBVT25 101BBV15S
111.1.164 9.00
101PBVT32 101BBV20S
1133.5.542 11.00
101PBVT40 101BBV25S
2233.7.750 19.03
101PBVT50 101BBV32S
3300.4.304 29.25
101PBVT80 101BBV40S
110066.8.687 41.63
101PBVT100 101BBV50S
220011.8.580 87.50
201.88 202.50
Brass Ball Valves (1035 kPa) with Stainless Steel Handles and Nuts
101BBV100S 100 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut Brass Ball Valves (1035 kPa) with Stainless Steel Handles and Nuts
9.00 9.00
118.0.908 11.00
101BBV15S 15 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut Brass Ball Valves (1035 kPa) with Stainless Steel Handles and Nuts
Brass Gate Valves (1035 kPa)
* All prices exclude a 10% GST
Page 187 470.00
Butterfly Valves (1035 kPa) Butterfly Valves (1035 kPa)
101BFV80 101BFV80
101BFV100 101BFV100
101BFV150 101BFV150
101BFV200 101BFV200
* All prices exclude a 10% GST * All prices exclude a 10% GST
80 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat 80 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat
100 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat 100 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat
150 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat 150 mm Cast Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat
200 mm Ductile Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat 200 mm Ductile Iron Wafer Style Butterfly Valve with Stainless Steel Stem and Disc and EPDM Seat
222.50 222.50
325.00 325.00
475.00 475.00
622.50 622.50
Page 1487 Page 187
101BBV15S 15 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
101BBV1250S 2105 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut Brass Gate Valves (1035 kPa)
20 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
250 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut 15 mm Brass Gate Valve
25 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
3225 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut 20 mm Brass Gate Valve
32 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
4302 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut 25 mm Brass Gate Valve
40 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
540 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut 32 mm Brass Gate Valve
50 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
850 mm Niickell Coated Brass Balll Valve with SS Handle and Nut 40 mm Brass Gate Valve
80 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
1800mmNNicickkeel lCCooaateteddBBrarasssBBaallllVValavlevewwitihthSSSHHanadnldeleanadndNNutut 50 mm Brass Gate Valve
100 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
101BBV205S 101GV15
1190.0.938 20.00
101BBV2352S 101GV20
2199.2.956 26.50
101BBV3420S 101GV25
4219.6.935 32.25
101BBV450S 101GV32
8474.5.901 56.25
101BBV580S 101GV40
20827.5.303 67.00
101BBV810S0S 101GV50
32152.0.100 122.50
100 mm Nickel Coated Brass Ball Valve with SS Handle and Nut
VG 2
80 mm Brass Gate Valve
VG 6
101GV100 100 mm Brass Gate Valve Brass Gate Valves (1035 kPa)
101GV15 15 mm Brass Gate Valve 101GV15 15 mm Brass Gate Valve
VG 3
VG 10/100 VG 10/100
VG 10/90 VG 10/90
VG 51/160 VG 5/60
VG 51/130 VG 5/30
VG 41/124 VG 4/24
VG 21/18 VG 2/18
VG 6 VG 6
VG 3 VG 3
VG 1 VG 1
VG 1 VG 1
VG 1 VG 1
VG 1 VG 1
20.00 20.00
26.50 26.50
223222.25.0508 32.25
33522654.20.3508 56.25
4467754.0.100 67.00
166221.5.302 122.50
287.50 287.50
ButterflyValve1s01(1GV02305kP2a0)mmBrassGateValve Butter y Valves (1035 kPa)
101GV20 20 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GBFVV2850 28050mCCaBsartsaItrsoIsrnoGnWaWatfearfVeSratySllvetyeBleutBteurtftleyrV aylvVeawlviethwSitahinSlteasisnSleteseslSteemlSatnedmDiasncdanDdisEcPEDPMDMSeaSteat
101GV25 25 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GBFVV31200 310200mmCBCarsatsItrsoIrnGoWantaWefeaVrfeaStrlyvSletyBleutBteurftltyeVr aylvVeawlvitehwStiathinlSetsasinStlesesl SttemelaSntdemDisacnadndDEisPcDaMndSeEaPtDM Seat
101GV32 32 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GBFVV41050 4150500mmCBCarsatsItrsoIrnGoWantaWefeaVrfeaStrlyvSletyBleutBteurftltyeVr aylvVeawlvitehwStiathinlSetsasinStlesesl SttemelaSntdemDisacnadndDEisPcDaMndSeEaPtDM Seat
101GV40 40 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GBFVV52000 5200mmDBDurcautcisltesilIeGroIanrotWenaVWfearlfvSeetrylSetyBluettBeurftltyeVr aylveVawlvitehwStiathinlSetsasiSntleeslsSStetemelaSntdeDmisacnadndDEisPcDaMndSeEaPtDM Seat
101GV50 50 mm Brass Gate Valve 101GV80 80 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GV80 80 mm Brass Gate Valve 101GV100 100 mm Brass Gate Valve
101GV100 100 mm Brass Gate Valve
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