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                        BATCH OF ‘93



                                                                                                          Dear friends,

                                                                             the "real" world.

                                             book was christened "Reveries"!


          Team “Reveries”

                                                                        During the times we were not slogging away for our
                                                                 the joys and sorrows of crushes, blooming romances,

                                                                                              to our alma mater as "starry eyed" youngsters just out of
                                                                                   transformation from relatively immature boys and girls, to
                                                    most innovative & bizarre ways possible! We truly lived our
                                     organize a reunion (albeit three years later than promised),
                              our brains hard to search a new name for our updated batch
                                                                                young & confident physicians, ready to take on challenges of
                                 giving us an opportunity to relive our day dreams! We racked
                           book.... but just could not move beyond Reveries; and true to
                       this era of remakes, are calling this the "Reveries...reloaded"
                                                              heartaches & heartbreaks; dressed our best & put the dance
                                                                                       awaited us!  Together, we witnessed and experienced our own
                                                "day dreams" together, and it was apt that our batch address
                                                                                          school; quite unaware of the gruelling & eventful journey that
                                                                                                 It's been twenty five years since destiny brought us together
                                                          floor on fire at the class socials; fought fiercely at inter class
                                        As proposed in the epilogue of "Reveries", we have managed to
                                                                     omnipresent exams, we also wove true friendships; experienced
                                                       competitions, and celebrated victories as well as defeats in the
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