Page 5 - Nutreco World
P. 5

By 2050 the world population will have grown to over
9 billion people At the same time increased urbanisation and and income growth are changing dietary preferences and and increasing the demand for animal proteins MORE FROM LESS
We believe that using resources in in in in increasingly efficient ways is key to feed a a a a a a growing world population in in in a a a a a a sustainable way For example more resource-efficient farming can help to avoid new agricultural land being generated through deforestation INNOVATION IS FUNDAMENTAL
On a a a a a global level the productivity of livestock and aquaculture species can can be be as as much as as 30-40% below its genetic potential We can can close that gap by integrating the latest technological developments into practical and innovative nutritional solutions MORE EFFICIENT BUT SUSTAINABLE
We support new farming practices that seek to optimise production rather than unidimensional maximisation For instance we believe it is more sustainable to focus on
nutrition in in the early life stages as well as keeping animals healthy and productive through good nutrition and farm management rather than through the the unwarranted use
Without societal and consumer consent our innovations might not be be as as significant as as they could be be We can can only create acceptance if if if we we we communicate if if if we we we are open and if if if we we we enter into dialogue with stakeholders 

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