Page 26 - How To Catch A Cheating Lover
P. 26

A person who's cheating tends to become nervous when their cell phone rings your presence, and they'll try and hide the caller-ID screen. In addition, you'll probably notice an increase in calls that go unanswered when the two of you are together. Text messaging might also increase, because it's a perfect way for cheaters to communicate even when you're around. Take particular note of your partner's face if he reads a text message in front of you. If it brings a warm and fuzzy smile to their face, it's probably not a business-only message. In this case, it's more likely you're witnessing cheating first-hand.
 Phone cards
A person who's cheating sometimes purchases a pre-paid, disposable mobile phone or pager which they believe will facilitate private calls and communication. If either of these appear suddenly, and there's no business reason for them, recognize this is typical among people who are hiding an affair.
 Password
Cheaters have their computers password protected, or locked, so you can never use them. If you ask permission to use their computer, they won't give you the password, but insist on logging in for you. If they do give the password, they'll soon change it.
 Email Accounts
Several different email accounts on the same computer are common when someone is cheating. This is how they receive emails from the person with whom they're cheating, or from dating websites they're using to meet new people. A separate account might exist solely for chat rooms.
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