Page 1 - washington state fishing 2017-18_marine
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Washington Sport Fishing Rules: Effective July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018
Rockfish Identification
All rockfish caught in Marine Areas 6-13 must be released immediately. See release information on page 124.
Yelloweye Rockfish
Orange-red to yellow body
color, bright yellow eye,
and fins may be tinged
with black. Raspy ridges
above eye, rear of anal
fin vertical. Also called
rasphead rockfish and
red snapper. Typically the
largest species of rockfish.
Copper Rockfish
Body variable in color with light colored stripe along the rear of
Black Rockfish the lateral line. Two dark bars radiating from eye.
Body black or grey in
color. Also called seabass
and black bass. Large
mouth, rounded anal fin.
Blue Rockfish
Body is blue or black. Yellowtail Rockfish
Forehead has several Olive green body with yellow-green fins. May have knob at tip
diagonal bars. Has a
small mouth. The anal of lower jaw. Rear edge of anal fin vertical.
fin is vertical or slanted
Body dark red and
mottled gray. Red mouth
and underside of jaw
is rough. Fins may be China Rockfish
edged with black. Anal Body blue or black spotted with yellow and white. Prominent
fin rounded. yellow stripe extending from top of back to along lateral line to
caudal fin.
Canary Rockfish
Bright orange or yellow
body, mottled with grey.
Fins are orange without
black edge. Three
orange stripes across Marine Areas
the head. Chin smooth to Bocaccio Rockfish
the touch. Anal fin sharp Body orange, olive, or brown. Large mouth extending past rear
and angular. of eye, and projecting lower jaw.
Quillback Rockfish
Body brown with yellow
mottling. High fin on back
with yellow mottling. Have
freckles on head and
throat. Two light saddle
patches on top of back.
Tiger Rockfish
Body pink to red with five red to black vertical stripes. Strong
ridges between eyes. Two dark bars radiating from eye.
Photos courtesy of Steve Axtell, and Victoria Okimura 95