Page 3 - KCRPCA July Aug 2020
P. 3

  GET UP EARLY YOU MIGHT MISS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY Dogs don’t have snooze buttons. Bentley, my runt-rescue, normally wakes me up around 6:00 AM. Today it was 5:00. Ugh. I tried to act like I was still asleep, but his whining told me he needed to go out. I stumbled out of bed and headed to the back door. Yup, he had to go. Now I’m up and wide awake. Standing at my rear window, I watched the dark night’s hues fade to baby blues. The sun was coming up. If I left soon, I could go for a short twisty back roads drive before the KCRPCA breakfast. Moments later, my Porsche barked to life, disturbing my slumbering neighbors, I’m sure. Rolling out my neighborhood to the road less traveled, I stopped. In front of me was the reason everyone should get up early, the sunrise. I parked my car and snapped THIS picture. I was alone with the road. No birds. No wind. No other cars. Just me. I smiled, rolled my widows down, selected a 1st gear – and punched it. Thank you Bentley, for getting me up early.  Der Sportwagen 3 - Stan 

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