Page 4 - Runt Pig by Mamo
P. 4
What do you suppose they had for their supper? Slop!
That isn't a very pretty thing. It wasn't very pretty to look at even ‘cuz they poured this mixture of grain, water, buttermilk, and any old milk... anything like that... into a large wooden trough and the pigs would come Honk! Honk! Honk! just running as hard as they possibly could, pushing each other. They had to get there first to get the most of their supper.
There was one little, tiny pig who wasn't getting anything. It was pushed out of the way. We said to the boy who was taking care of them, “Oh look at that little pig, he's not going to grow up anymore, he's not going to get big ‘cuz he isn't getting anything to eat!”
He said, “Oh, he’s no good. He’s nothing but a runt. No amount of food will ever make him big.”
And we said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself not to give him a chance like the rest of them? Of course he’ll never get to be big if you don’t give him anything to eat!”
“Alright,” the boy said, “if you think so you may have him. If you can catch him, he’s yours.”