Page 1 - newborntips
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Baby Prep
Please keep baby awake for a few hours prior to your session.
Give them a bath or sponge bath that morning. Typically they
are good and tired after bath time.
Feed Baby
Feed baby right before you leave the house. Make sure baby has
a nice full belly. If you are bottle feeding with pumped milkor formular,
please bring that with you to the session. It’s usually much
quicker that nursing. If you are nursing exclusively, not a problem!
Dress baby in something simple that can easily be removed. Snap up
jammies work great. Avoid onesies or anything that goes over
the head. Once you get there, baby will hopefully be asleep.
I’ll take baby out of their seat, get baby undressed,
and hopefully baby won’t wake up during this process.
PLEASE bring a pacifier - even if you don’t usually give one to
your baby. It helps sooth while I am positioning them.
Infant gas drops just in case baby’s tummy is unsettled.