Page 6 - Columbia News -Sept. 2022
P. 6

Financial Secretary Lieutenant Jack Conway
   Brooklyn Financial Secretary
Lieutenant John Balestriere
Hello Manhattan,
I hope all of you are getting ready for the fall with your families, as it is almost here. I want to thank all of the Columbia trustees, delegates, and membership for all of your continued support of the Columbia Association. Please join us for a big march up 5th Avenue for our annual Columbus Day Parade. We also have tickets for Cigar Night at Vetro’s and Islander /Ranger game at UBS arena. If there is anything you need, please reach out to me anytime. Again, Thank you Manhattan for all your support.
Lieutenant Jack Conway Manhattan Financial Secretary
Hello Brooklyn!
As we get ready for the fall, I hope all of you are safe and watching each other’s back. As you know, the month of October is Italian Heritage Month, which is always busy for us. Thank you to all the Brooklyn trustees, and delegates for your continuous support of this great organization. A big thank you to the Brooklyn membership, because without you, we would not be here! I look foward to seeing you in the next few weeks at our upcoming events.
Lieutenant John Balestriere Brooklyn Financial Secretary Saluti Associazione Columbia

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