Page 11 - CMA Bulletin-3月號
P. 11

 「2019 冠狀病毒病」簡介
Introduction of "2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)"
  「2019 冠狀病毒病」是指 2019 年 12 月起在 湖北省武漢市出現的病毒性肺炎病例群組個 案,至 2 月 7 日中國國家衛生健康委員會早 前將這種病毒引發的疾病暫時命名為「新型 冠狀病毒肺炎」;至 2 月 11 日,世界衛生組 織(WHO)將新型冠狀病毒肺炎正式命名為
「2019 冠狀病毒病」。根據內地衞生部門調查, 病原體為一種新型冠狀病毒,個案病徵主要 為發燒、乏力、乾咳及呼吸困難,症狀和流 感相近。年齡較大或有慢性疾病患者,有較 大機會出現嚴重情況。這種新型病毒肺炎目 前已經造成數千人死亡,數萬人感染,而截 至 2 月 24 日,本港新型冠狀病毒確診個案已 突破 70 宗。
病毒的主要傳播途徑為經呼吸道飛沫傳播, 可通過接觸傳播,亦可間接地經雙手觸摸被 污染的物件表面後,再觸及口、鼻或眼睛而 傳播;亦有說法或可通過糞便傳播。有資料 顯示潛伏期介乎 1 至 12.5 天(估算的中位數 為 5 至 6 日),但可長達 14 天。
刻注意個人衞生,妥善保養排水渠管和定期 (約每星期一次)把約半公升的清水注入每一 排水口(U 型隔氣口),以確保環境衞生;如 廁時亦要注重衞生,先將廁板蓋上才沖廁水, 以免散播病菌;勤洗手,保持雙手清潔。外 遊時,不要接觸動物;不要吃野味;及避免 到濕貨市場、活家禽市場或農場。如果回港 後發燒或者有其他病徵,應戴上外科口罩, 並馬上求醫,並必須告訴醫生最近曾到訪的
* 文章內容取材於互聯網
"2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)" refers to a series of viral pneumonia cases occurred in Wuhan city of Hubei starting from December 2019. It was temporarily known as the novel coronavirus pneumonia from 7 February as named by the National Health Commission of China until 11 February when being officially named "2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)" by the WHO. Investigations of Mainland health authorities revealed that the pathogen is a new kind of coronavirus with flu-like symptoms including fever, weakness, dry cough and dyspnea. Relatively old victims and chronic disease patients are more vulnerable to serious conditions. So far, COVID-19 has claimed lives of several thousand people with tens of thousands affected. In Hong Kong, more than 70 confirmed cases were reported as at 24 February.
The viruses are mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, but it can also be transmitted through contact or indirectly through touching the mouth, nose or eyes with hands which have touched surfaces of contaminated objects. It is even said to be transmitted through feces. Data shows that the incubation period is 1 to 12.5 days (estimated median period is 5 to 6 days) but it may last as long as 14 days.
There is no vaccine to prevent the disease, the general public must maintain good personal hygiene. In order to ensure environmental hygiene, drainage pipes should be maintained properly and regularly (about once a week) by pouring about half a litre of water into each drain outlet (U-traps). After using the toilet, put the toilet lid down before flushing to avoid spreading germs. Perform hand hygiene frequently. When you travel, do not touch animals or eat game meat. Avoid visiting wet markets, live poultry markets or farms. If you have a fever or other symptoms upon returning to Hong Kong, wear a surgical mask, consult a doctor promptly and reveal your recent travel history.
*Some content in this article had drawn reference from the internet.

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