Page 23 - Eastbourne College International Booklet
P. 23
Chapel Choir in rehearsal
School House
House singing
In this year’s House Singing Competition, Reeves won the boys trophy and School the girls trophy and the overall winners cup.
Singer songwriting
Talented young singer songwriters were interviewed on BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex, and invited to perform the songs they had written
in the weekly workshops with Tom Williams. They also performed in a Live Lounge, playing to a packed JWA. The latest singer songwriters Live Lounge album was released on Spotify and iTunes.
Music scholars concert
The Jazz Band played at several venues including the Cavendish Hotel for the Children’s Respite Trust Annual Ball.
This year Helen Grout, Leah Hallinon, Max Walker and Luca Wells continued their music studies by starting music degree courses at Birmingham, the Royal College of Music, Newcastle and King’s College London respectively. Sian Sulke took up her choral scholarship at St Peter’s Oxford where she is studying PPE.
Singer songwriters performing on BBC Surrey and Sussex
Pro Music concerts included the Galliard Ensemble featuring Owen Dennis and his oboe,and a moving concert led byTim Laverack and Melody Woodham in aid of a local dementia charity.
Sian Sulke, choral scholarship to St Peter’s Oxford