Page 37 - Androvian2021
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Like many people this year, the Eco-Warriors have had a mountain to climb to keep environmental issues in the forefront of people’s minds.
With extra packaging being necessary
for a while, masks, plastic sanitizer bottles and so much more, eco-friendly ways have understandably taken a back seat
for many people. However, here at St Andrew’s, the Eco-Warriors have not only kept true to their mission but
have become even stronger with more members than ever this year, currently 73.
One of our aims over the last year was to focus on involving as many people as possible in eco-projects. In a live assembly in the summer term we were reminded by some children from Years 4, 6 and 8 that we can all play our par t – as Ralph Rober ts told us ‘you don’t have to be an eco-warrior to help’. We saw kitchen and loo rolls being used to make dog treat holders and rabbit treat mobiles by Bella Kinniburgh and Scarlett MacFarlane. Isaac Ferley, George Barnes and Ralph reminded us about the search engine ‘Ecosia’ where profits from searches enable the charity to plant trees around the world.They also promoted the website ‘Surfers against Sewage’, a grassroots movement tackling plastic pollution and protecting the UK’s coastlines.
Poppy Campion, our inspiring and dedicated pupil leader this year, told the school of the following projects we
have tackled, many of which we look forward to continuing with next year. The milk bottle tops that many children and their families have so diligently collected have been gratefully received by the Orpheus Centre in Surrey, a specialist college founded by Sir Richard Stilgoe that increases the confidence and skills of young disabled adults through the performing arts.Thank you also for all the crisp packets collected during the winter that Rosie Hill and Scarlet McFarlane and their families have cleverly made into foil blankets for the homeless.The batteries collection has also been well suppor ted, thank you.
The Eco-Warriors would also like
to thank Mr Shouksmith for his request for the computers to have an automatic switch off time each evening, which has now come into action, and our head chef Ted Baldwin who has worked incredibly hard highlighting the problem of food waste and helping children to be more mindful when they make their daily food choices.Thank you also to
all the kitchen staff, Mr Tomsett and the lunch duty staff for helping the children with the thankless task of sorting all the remains of everyone’s packed lunches into recycling, waste, food waste and food that could be redistributed - this
box did not remain very full for long! Our biggest thanks goes to Mrs
Garrett, our amazing Librarian who
also does a huge amount for the Eco-Warriors. Recently she has found
a charity based in Canterbury called ‘Books2Africa’, so the Eco-Warriors and staff at St Andrew’s have been collecting and packing up boxes of textbooks that the school no longer use. Mrs Garrett has also de-cluttered the library where we had many copies of certain books. These will all be delivered to the depot base in Canterbury in early September. If this trip is successful we would very much like to continue this link with ‘Books2Africa’.
At the end of term we set up a 15-minute a week volunteering system, for all the Eco-Warriors, as a trial for next year. It was impressive to see how many children took up the challenge and picked up litter, weeded some of the flower beds in the front drive, helped Mrs Garrett collect and pack books and sorted and delivered lost property.
It has been a challenging but fun year and the enthusiasm and positive spirit of the children has never wavered throughout.
Penny Jordan,Year 3Teacher
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