Page 9 - Androvian2021
P. 9
An inescapable difference between the first and second lockdown was the number of daylight hours and, of course, the weather.The summer of 2020
had been glorious with the long light evenings drawing everyone outside for exercise and fresh air. Our January and February days are shorter, colder and wetter, but children and staff were still encouraged to get outside the four walls of their homes and our outstanding sports department ran online PE
lessons, recorded fitness and technique videos and organised a House ‘Virtual Lands’ End to John O’Groats Challenge’ with pupils, staff and parents logging their distances run, walked, swum or cycled.
On Monday 8 March, children and staff returned to school for the start of the summer term and we continued to run as close to a normal timetable as possible with children, rather than staff, moving around the school as early as
we could implement it.
I would like to pay tribute to the
handful of children who remained online throughout the summer term and, in particular, to the two new pupils who did not set foot inside St Andrew’s.
Impressively, pupil attendance during lockdown never dropped below 90%. This figure includes our overseas pupils, some of whom, were logging on in the middle of the night!
Paul Shouksmith, Deputy Head
Q What person at our school has made the biggest impact on your life and why?
A The child in Year 1 that asked me to be his best friend. He made me realise the world is pure. Apple van der Meer, Year 8
The two most important things I’ve learnt this year are independence from online learning and appreciation for my friends and school.
Amy Wearne, Year 8