Page 15 - Dockside Magazine Muskoka, Summer/Fall 2018
P. 15

  Lead Design Consultant Paul Hardy with Vision Contracting Owner Steve Kirkpatrick and Project Manager James Reilly
“Custom builds really get your creative juices flowing and it show off each person’s skills.”
The kitchen and great room windows are just big enough and positioned the right way to allow for gentle natural light to enter. Even at mid-day, it’s never too bright.
Humble beginnings
The project began with
the owners wanting a new kitchen and a septic tank area renovation. But, as discussions for those projects took place, the idea for a complete revamp took root. The cottagers felt it was the right time, and having owned the property for 12 years, they had a clear vision.
On a referral from a fellow cottager, the owners enlisted Vision Contracting – specifically Steve and James. They joined
forces with Paul – who put his personal touch on every aspect of the cottage design – and Travis, Mike and Lawrence from a local timber frame
firm – who made sure the ideas would work structurally.
Two years of discussions
took place before ground
was broken in the fall of 2017 and the team began working around the clock to finish
the project in time for this summer. Good planning went a long way. From baseboards to hidden pockets – plus a large, unfinished basement – they were able to create a smooth flow in the living areas.
The clients were thrilled with the final product and
collaborating with the team - especially Steve, James and Paul.
“Projects like these are often fraught with problems and complications,” says
the owner. “Our team leaders worked tirelessly and passionately at every turn. They created a fun environment where the process ran smoothly and without incident.”
“You really needed a team that was really flexible,”
says Steve. “It was a great collaborative effort by everyone involved and it shows: this cottage has a ton of personality.” DS
                  A team of 68 people worked for ten months to complete the project.

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