Page 4 - prelist demo
P. 4
Buyers in this market are making two lists: the rst is what they like in a house and a con rma on that their must- haves are met; the second is a list of items that they need or want to change in a home. Our goal is to minimize the “must-do” list, which will posi on your home more a rac vely against the compe on.
It is important to remember that once you list your property to sell – it is no longer your home – it is a commodity. Living in your home is very di erent than selling your home.
Why do the details ma er? The majority of people are visual learners, meaning they need the visual cues to feel connected to a home and understand how furniture will work in a room. It is also important to ensure that visual cues are enhancing the space rather than distrac ng the buyers.
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