Page 7 - prelist demo
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Our proven 21 step marke ng plan is designed to sell your home for the highest price, in the least amount of me with the least amount of stress.
1. Complete comprehensive market analysis total market overview
2. Enter the lis ng into the Mul ple Lis ng Service
3. Create and deliver custom graphics for the home
4. Enhance the lis ng and add details on the main internet search website 5. Create professional video for marke ng purposes
6. Proac vely prospect for poten al clients for your lis ng
7. Provide the homeowner with social media marke ng materials
8. Create mobile compa ble access, op mized for smartphone and tablet computers
9. Schedule and coordinate open house dates and other marke ng events with owners
10. Follow up with all poten al buyers that contact the number from the signage
11. Provide owner with access to the showing service website so that you may view feedback or edit instruc ons
12. Follow up with all showings that do not leave feedback with the showing service
13. Price your home strategically so you are compe ve with the current market and pricing trends 14. Place “For Sale” signage in your yard to draw a en on from drive-by prospects
15. Follow up each callers inquiry with a personal phone call
16. Create a features & updates sheet highligh ng your property
17. Target our marke ng to ac ve real estate agents who specialize in working with buyers
18. Op mize your the internet presence of your home by pos ng informa on in the Keller Williams Lis ng System, as well as local and global mul ple lis ng systems, to a ract both local and out-of-town buyers
19. Adver se your home through social media, email, and direct-mail campaigns
20. Target ac ve buyers and investors in our database who are looking for homes in your price range and area
21. Provide you with weekly updates detailing our marke ng e orts, including comments from prospec ve buyers and agents who have visited your home
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