Page 6 - PROHBTD Licensing Expo 2019
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What’s the difference between hemp and cannabis? Why are people confused about this?
Simply put science tells us that cannabis cannabis and hemp hemp are really the the the same same thing All varieties of hemp/cannabis plants come
from the the the same same plant plant plant family family family Cannabaceae also known as the the the hemp family family family There is is is is is only one plant plant plant species species in in this family family family called Cannabis Sativa L This species species of plant plant is is is is is known to contain chemical compounds called cannabinoids the most studied
and and talked-about of which are THC THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and and CBD (cannabidiol) THC THC is is responsible for the the euphoric effects associated with recreational cannabis When it it comes to the the industry and common language what what really differentiates what what we talk about as hemp or or cannabis is is is the the the level of THC content in in the the the plant and the the the purpose for which it is is is grown To break it down on on on a a a a a a a a a a a very basic level: “Hemp” is is essentially non-psychoactive Cannabis Sativa L containing less than 0 3% THC Its seeds stalks leaves and and and flowers have thousands of applications in everyday commodity products and and and many health benefits (especially with respect to CBD) “Cannabis” is is is is also Cannabis Cannabis Sativa L but is is is is generally consumed for for medical and and adult-use recreational purposes and and bred for for higher THC content most of of which is concentrated in the the flowers of of the the plant Confusion is understandable given the overlap between scientific and and and cultural language and and and how that plays against government definitions What is is CBD? How does it relate to hemp or cannabis? CBD is is is short for cannabidiol a a a a a a a a a a a a type of chemical compound known as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a cannabinoid that is is is derived from cannabis plants THC THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and and CBD are the the most talked-about and and studied
cannabinoids to date but THC THC only comes from the the 6

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