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Groton Daily Independent
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 ~ Vol. 25 - No. 025 ~ 17 of 38
The other hospitals said they could provide no information without patient names. None of the victims of the crash were immediately identi ed. The nursing home’s administrator declined an interview.
“It’s horrible,” Highway Patrol Capt. Jason Husby said. “Especially the situation we had here where there’s a group of people. A lot of people are affected by this.”
The Highway Patrol says the in- vestigation will likely take days to complete.
Hours after the crash, a blue tarp was draped across the entrance to the nursing home. A maintenance worker later did work on a shattered window beside the cracked and dam- aged door.
Eldean Kjose, whose yard looks ontothenursinghome,wasrolling up his hose so he could mow the lawnwhenheheardsirensapproach- ing. The 81-year-old retiree said he watched several people get loaded into ambulances, knowing the situa- tion was serious.
A car is seen outside the Alcester Care and Rehab Center after it slammed into a group of people and crashed into thecenterMonday,July24,2017,inAlcester,S.D.Authori- tiessaidatleasttwopeoplewerekilledandmultipleothers injured.AHighwayPatrolspokesmansaidtheinvestigation isongoing,butthecrashappearstohavebeenaccident. The driver of the vehicle was among those brought to a hospital. (Trevor Mitchell/Argus Leader via AP)
“I’ve never heard of an accident like this,” Kjose said. “It’s a shocker to know that can happen, but ac- cidents can happen so quick.”
Man dies after driving off-road vehicle over cliff
FARMINGDALE, S.D. (AP) — Authorities say a man operating an off-road vehicle has died after driving over a cliff in a rugged area of Pennington County.
Sheriff’s of cials say the 55-year-old man died at the scene near Farmingdale. KOTA-TV (http://bit. ly/2vRYy7f ) says a search and rescue team was activated about 2 p.m. Sunday and found the man’s body about an hour later.
He has not been identi ed.
Information from: KOTA-TV,

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