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Groton Daily Independent
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 ~ Vol. 25 - No. 025 ~ 4 of 38
Change orders take contingence used to 68%
The new change orders approved by the school board Monday night took the usage of the contingency fund to 68 percent. Superintendent Joe Schwan said that most of the change orders should be done by now with no big ticket items expected.
Tara Arntsen was hired as the new math teacher. Jenna Strom was hired as the new assistant volleyball coach. Jone Groeblinghoff was reassigned from SPED to kindergarten paraprofessional.
No new boys head soccer coach is on the horizon. Schwan said that Corey Harder and Chris Kucker, the girls coaches, will do both if no one steps forward. Also still missing is a junior high football coach. All other positions should be  lled soon after interviews are done. “We should be in pretty good shape,” Schwan said, “with six weeks out for our staff.”
John Shoemaker of Webster Scale (right) along with two South Dakota Department of Transportation of cials were reviewing the damage done to the new concrete on US12 in Groton.
According to Police Chief Stacy Mayou who gave a report at the city council meeting Monday night, the damage will cost about $30,000 to  x. (Photo by Tina Kosel)

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