P. 47

Memory 1
Moving out Charlie - I told the porters lodge to tell Charlie that Anne St. John was at the Porters Lodge for him. When he went down, I went to move him out and saw Brendan Bain polishing his shoes. I proceeded to move him out and he asked Brendan if he saw anyone pass there. Brendan told him the only one that passed there was Elliot. Charlie came to me and said “Elliot, you moved me out.” Brendan said, “you were the only one that passed here.”
Memory 2
Porphry’s mother’s soup - One day Porphry’s mother told me she was sending some soup for me by Donald. I waited all afternoon for the soup and Porphry finally showed up after 3:00 and when I asked for the soup he said he took a girl to lunch and gave her my soup. I threw him in the bath in his clothes.
Memory 3
External Examiner - In the Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics distinction oral the external examiner asked me a question. I answered the question correctly but the external examiner said it was incorrect. I insisted I was right and at that point, professor speedy Miller got up and left the room to check. He came back and whispered in the external examiner’s ear that the student is correct. After that, the external examiner was quiet for the rest of the exam and I was awarded a distinction and got the gold medal in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Life Highlights
 Wife and family, my two grand children
 Church life and writing over 20 religious books
 Satisfying primary health care career focusing on prevention, radio programmes and lectures at churches, communities and workplaces throughout Barbados.
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