Page 13 - Term One Song Bank
P. 13

     The Wheels on the Bus
(smoothly) The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go, Round and round, BE
All day long.
The doors on the bus go open and shut... The wipers... swish, swish, swish...
The horn... beep, beep, beep...
The children... chatter, chatter, chatter...
(quietly & gently)
The grown ups... “Shh, shh, shh”...
(back to mezzo/average, can speed up for the repeat)
The people... up and down... x 2
NB: for ‘doors’ try stopping your instrument on ‘shut’ each time to add dynamics.
This is the best key for young children’s voices. However, if you find the chords challenging (or if you are doing a baby class where only the adults sing), you can play it in D instead (e.g. D/A).
    1. Introduce using the bus laminate. Play the song through one time on your melodic instrument, as the adults help the babies to do the actions. You can pause before the beginning of each verse to demonstrate the actions, if necessary. Note that all verses are sung once, except for ‘people’ which is sung through twice (because the babies love it and it can take time for the adults to start doing the actions).
Wheels: either roly poly arms from the ‘Roly Poly’ rhyme or arms move like train pistons.
Doors: open and close arms, clapping hands together on ‘shut’
Wipers: arms with pointer fingers up, in front swaying side to side
Horn: adults can ‘beep’ babies’ noses or ‘beep’ the air with a flat palm
Children: thumbs touching fingers, opening and closing, as though hands are talking, for each ‘chatter, chatter, chatter’
Grown ups: one pointer finger to lips
People: adults gently bounce or lift their babies up and down
NB: If you are in an ELC/Pre-school and have enthusiastic staff participating, encourage them to take turns lifting different babies during the ‘people’ verse and repeat until all the babies have had a turn.
    1. Introduce the bus laminate. Ask the children to name the colours they can see on the bus or the parts of the bus they recognise (e.g. wheels).
Actions are the same as for babies, except for ‘people’ where they stand and jump up and down to the pulse. Adults should help younger toddlers.
     Same as for toddlers
       B anacrusis
      bus laminate & melodic instrument
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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