Page 17 - Term One Song Bank
P. 17

     We're Going to the Zoo
      Verse One:
Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow, A
Zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow.
Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow,
And we can stay all day.
 We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
How about you, you, you?
You can come too, too, too.
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
(spoken) “Which animal are we going to visit first?”
Verse Two:
See all the monkeys scritch, scritch scratchin',
Swingin' through the trees and scritch, scritch scratchin'. Eating up bananas and scritch, scritch scratchin',
We can stay all day.
Verse Three:
See all the elephants stomp, stomp, stomping, Great big ears and stomp, stomp, stomping. Swinging their trunks and stomp, stomp, stomping, We can stay all day.
Verse Four:
See all the tigers roar, roar, roaring,
Hiding in the grass and roar, roar, roaring,
Watch out for their teeth they're roar, roar, roaring, Or you won't stay all day!!!!! PTO
      1. Sing first verse acapella, encouraging adults and babies to find the pulse by tapping legs or clapping. Pick up your melodic instrument and play along for the chorus and then the rest of the song. Encourage the adults to clap or tap along every time you sing the chorus.
Before each animal verse, pause to look inside your sparkly magic bag to see “which animal we’re going to visit next!” Make the animal noise inside the bag, reveal the mask and hold it to your face, name the animal, and then quickly demonstrate the action.
Monkeys: ‘scritch scratchin’’ action (scratching under arm pits) Elephants: stomp feet to pulse
Tigers: hands clawing to pulse
Then pick your instrument back up and continue to sing the song.
When you get to ‘We stayed all day and I'm gettin' sleepy...', encourage yawning and stretching actions then everyone lies down and “goes to sleep”. Adults can rock their babies. Then play energetically again for 'Mummy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow...'.
      melodic instrument, monkey, elephant & tiger laminates
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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