Page 14 - NL Feb 2019
P. 14

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By Mellor the 1st degree impasse between P2 and C2 sounds verbally in a client as the parent’s counter- injunctions. The 2nd degree impasse between P1 and C1 is encoded in the form of feelings and emotions and manifests itself as an answer, while script programming, for parental injunctions in early age.
The 3rd degree impasse is associated with the primary protocol and refers to a very early age, sometimes even prenatal. Cornell, 2008 describes the protocol as an impasse of the 3rd level, where the body “holds” restrictions, injunctions, parental programs and adaptive solutions that can be seen in attitudes, style and quantity of movements, tone of voice and its variation (for example, a sigh), breathing, eye movements, direction of the client’s look at others, etc. Cornell, 2008 considered the main ways of re-decision of the 3rd degree impasses through the relationship of the client and the therapist, such as the transference/ counter-transference, parallel process, analysis of the relationship in supervision and projective identification.
The presented method provides us with invaluable experience in resolving the impasse of the third degree between P0 and C0. The impasse occurs between P0 represented by a negative message in response
to stress and clips in a pose of a negative character and acceptance of the message by the client on an intuitive level in C0.
Changes in posture and use of resources of Adult through a new message enable the client to re-decide this impasse and accept, give sense, constructive meaning and assimilate the power of his/her healthy part with the support and protection of the potent therapist. Therefore, the client cathects all their ego- states, giving themselves a permission, feeling their power and using the protection of the therapist (P. Crossman, 1972).
The power of the client is that he/she from a new posture gives permissions necessary for specific psychological age of the client at the moment of therapy.
 EATA Newsleletteterr No 121401347 FNOeocbtvoreubmaerbrye22r002110876918

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