Page 6 - NL Feb 2019
P. 6

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 Do we really want to be socially responsible? was the question we explored with Harry Gerth (PTSTA) in very exciting ways. Through fun experiments, dancing, discussion we investigated our social responsibility and manners of using our TA knowledge to encourage people to respect and accept each other.
Withdrawal was, appropriately, the last subject in this event. Maria Bran (PTSTA) underlined that psychotherapists need to be able to differentiate between the diverse aspects of withdrawal in order to be able to attune to their clients.
And after this we withdrew ... We said “Goodbye” to old friends and new, until some future “Hello”.
The fantastic power of events like EATA Summer/Winter schools is, of course, bringing TA in a lot of different ways to students and practitioners from different fields, in communities for which this would be a challenge in any other way. But for us, more than that, the power is in the contact with TA colleagues from many towns, countries, speaking several languages, but sharing the idea of basic okeyness of all people. Sharing the passion for helping others to reach autonomy and enjoying their work - being a part of the wonderful TA and EATA community.
We, from SATA, are grateful for having had the opportunity to be organizers of such an event for Serbia, and thankful to ECC for their support and guidance and all of the SATA members who gave us their time and expertise to make it such a lovely experience for every participant. Thank you!
Written by Dijana Dimovska and Maja Delibašic
On behalf of SATA
 EATA Newlsleletteterr No 112740134 OFNOFecocbtvoreubmaerbrye22r0012116087918

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