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Hartford Public Schools has the largest menu of tuition-free, theme-based school options in the Greater Hartford area. As part of an all-choice system of schools, families can select from a wide variety of school options, models and themes that best  t the needs, interests and learning styles of their children.
District Schools allow all Hartford Residents the option of sending their child to a school that is closer to home with access to quality education, a rigorous curriculum, and vibrant arts and music programs.
Hartford has four school zones. If you are unsure of which zone you live in, please access our transportation map at:
Parents should note that choosing an out-of-zone school may a ect availability of school transportation.
The Hartford District Choice placement process is administered by HPS O ce of Enrollment and School Choice.
Eligible Applicants: Hartford Residents
Access Application: Online at
Magnet Schools have specialized themes and approaches to courses, classwork and/or teaching, such as STEM, Montessori, Performing Arts, Sports Medicine and Social Justice.
The application process for Magnet Schools is administered by the Regional School Choice O ce (RSCO) in conjunction with Hartford Public Schools, and is open to students from the Greater Hartford region.
Eligible Applicants:
Hartford and Suburban Residents
Access Application:
Online at
Open Choice o ers Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban districts in the Greater Hartford area.
Open Choice also o ers suburban students the opportunity to attend school in one of Hartford’s themed non-magnet public schools. For a full listing, please visit
The application process for Open Choice is administered by the Regional School Choice O ce (RSCO) in conjunction with the Capital Region Education Council.
Eligible Applicants:
Hartford and Suburban Residents
Access Application:
Online at
Charter Schools allow families to choose from independently designed and operated schools that follow their own state-approved charter.
Hartford Public Schools has a strong partnership with Achievement First and administers the application process for admission to their charter schools in Hartford.
Hartford Residents interested in accessing Achievement First schools should apply online via the District Choice application.
Eligible Applicants: Hartford Residents
Access Application: Online at

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