Page 2 - SummerServeGuide2019
P. 2

We have been on on a a a a journey of loving where we live through praying serving giving and and connecting with our our neighbors and and I think we have all concluded that things are are are complex! People are are are complex complex complex complex our our our cities are are are complex complex complex complex and certainly our our world is is is complex complex complex complex It is is is easy to to become overwhelmed with the mission that that God has given us us when we begin to to to think that that it’s up to us This summer we will will continue to serve with our our nonprofits and love on on on our our neighbors We will will also provide opportunities to to hear from speakers about topics and and issues that face the very people we we we seek to to to serve and and and love Perhaps we we we will learn ways we we we we can connect to to them in in a a a a a a a a a a more loving and and respectful way way or or discover that we we are uniquely designed to make a a a a a a a kingdom impact through our our occupations or with our gifts Debra Potter
Director of Community Outreach
“Deep humble dependence
on God has produced world changing achievements ”
Community Outreach
Feel free to to contact us to to get connected!
Debra Potter
debrap@perimeter org 678-405-2215
Jackie Dieter
jackied@perimeter org 678-405-2122
Sharon Looney
sharonl@perimeter org 678-405-2252
Sarah Vargas
sarahv@perimeter org 678-405-2264

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