Page 11 - fellows 2023
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LaShanda Korley u University of Delaware
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for innovative and fundamental investiga- tions utilizing architectural design and manufacturing techniques enabled by materials chemistry and engineering to develop functional, responsive, and adaptable polymeric materials for sustainability and healthcare.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for developing programming for engaging diverse scholars and building an inclusive community within the chemical sciences through mentoring service in the ACS Scholars program and engagement in the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engi- neering Division.
Qing X. Li u University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding editorship and editorial contributions to ACS and non-ACS journals as well as innovative research contributions to pesticide chemistry, toxicology, and food safety.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service in the ACS Division of Agrochemicals and awards committee leadership, conference and symposia programming and or- ganization, outreach to the international science community, mentoring, and promoting sustainable agrochemical research.
Leigh R. Martin u Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant contributions to actinide and lanthanide separations chemistry, the application of thermodynamics and kinetics to developing novel separations, degradation of separations systems, and exceptional mentoring of young scientists.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for contributions and leadership in the Indus- trial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC) Division, including, programming, modernization of the I&EC Executive committee communications, and promoting colleagues for awards and volunteer recogni- tion.
Luciano Mueller u Bristol-Myers Squibb
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the invention of the 1H-detected hetero- nuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectroscopy, which demonstrated the potential of har- nessing the high sensitivity of proton-mediated detection of information-rich spectra of low-sensitivity nuclei.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for being the 2016 section chair, focused on improving member participation, establishing a successful mentoring program for younger chemists, and increasing the member participation at meetings through the use of telecommunication.
        2023 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS l 6

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