Page 16 - fellows 2023
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Jane E. Wissinger u University of Minnesota
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for advancing green and sustainable chem- istry education through development and dissemination of modern, green laboratory curriculum, leadership positions, and mentorship of students and instructors now contributing to the field.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for consistent and creative green chemistry education programming at National ACS meetings and Green Chemistry & Engineering conferences, as well as service on the Committee on Environmental and Sustainability.
H. Lee Woodcock III u University of South Florida
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as a world-leading expert in the de- velopment and application of multi-scale simulation methods, with particular emphasis on hybrid QM/MM methods, free-energy simulation techniques, and the combination of the two.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service to the ACS and Division of Computers in Chemistry (COMP), including serving as COMP program chair for eight years, ACS National Committee member/chair, and alternative councilor.