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Stephen R Heller n n n n InChI Trust and NIH/PubChem
Contribution to the the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for the the the the development and and global accep- tance tance tance of of of the the the the InChI identifier for for chemical substances substances which allows the the the the access and and retrieval of of of substances substances across diverse data compilations Contribution to the the the ACS Community: Recognized for for long-term involvement with the the the Chemical Information and and and Computers in in in in in Chemistry Divisions leveraging their their synergies and and and ultimately elevating the the the scope and and value of their their ACS National Meeting programs Yun Hang Hu n n n n n n n n n Michigan Technological University
Contribution to the the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering the the the the synthesis and ap- plication of of of shape-controlled 3D graphene discovering the the the the the memristive behavior of of of 2D layer materials materials inventing inventing thermal–photo hybrid catalytic processes designing efficient electrodes for energy devices and inventing inventing novel hydrogen storage materials materials Contribution to to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for serving as Chair Chair Program Chair Chair and and Director-at-Large for for for the the Energy and and and Fuels Division organizing 38 ACS ACS ACS ACS symposia editing four ACS ACS ACS books and and serving as an an an an an editorial advisor board member for for an an an an an ACS ACS ACS journal John Z Larese n n n n n n The University
of Tennessee Knoxville
Contribution to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for excellence in in in neutron-scattering thermodynamic and and and modeling studies of of of of the the the structure and and and dynamics of of of of molecular adsorption on on surfaces materials chemistry and and and development of of of related instrumentation Contribution to the the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for serving ACS ACS at at the the the the local regional and and national levels Served as as as as as Councilor from East Tennessee and and and and as as as as as Treasurer of the the the the Southeastern Regional Meeting and and and and performed numerous public outreach and and and and educational efforts regionally and nationally Robert J Maleski n n n Eastman Chemical Company (Retired)
Contribution to to to the Science/Profession: Recognized for expertise in fin in colorants and UV ab- sorbers He has contributed to to to process development of of fine chemicals in fin in in conventional photo- graphic pharma intermediates colorants for thermoplastics and personal care Contribution to to the the the ACS ACS ACS Community: Recognized for support to to the the the Northeast Tennessee Section of ACS ACS ACS which include include serving serving as as as Chair Succession and and Councilor ACS ACS ACS national com- mittee mittee involvement includes the Committee on on on on Technician Activities and and serving serving as as Chemical Technology Approval Service Chair 5 l 2020 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS

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