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Larry E Overman n n n n n University of California Irvine
Contribution to to to the the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for for inventing new transformations in in in organic synthesis synthesis the the the the total synthesis synthesis of of of natural products and for for for exemplary mentorship of of of scientific researchers Contribution to to the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for contributing broadly to to the the the chemis- try try community through membership on on on on on on on the the the the ACS ACS Division of Organic Chemistry’s Executive Committee editorial service and assuming leadership positions at at the the national level Ah-Hyung Alissa Park n n n n n n Columbia University Contribution to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing novel nanoscale hybrid materials and and and creating innovative reaction pathways involving CO2 and and and their translational ap- plications to to the the field of carbon capture utilization and and and storage in in in in in in addressing climate change Contribution to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for exceptional leadership as the the ACS ACS Energy and and and Fuels Division Chair Chair Program Chair Chair and and and symposia organizer and and and for for diversifying division membership through new theme areas Erica A Posthuma n n n n University High School of Indiana
Contribution to to the Science/Profession: Recognized for for continued service in in in in in in chemical edu- cation cation for for for mentoring and and and and training students and and and and teachers in in in in in in in in in in evidence-based science education pedagogy facilitating professional development and and and and publishing on on on on teaching for for understanding Contribution to to to the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for contributions to to to the the the Division of Chemical Education through service to to to the the the the the ACS ACS Exams Institute and for for for facilitating commu- nity outreach for for the the the Indiana
section as as well as as promoting the the the American Association of Chem- istry Teachers Daniel Rabinovich n n n n n The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Contribution to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for advancing the the the fields of of synthetic and and structural inorganic inorganic bioinorganic and and and organometallic chemistry while supervising a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a diverse team of research cohorts including 33 graduate graduate 155 undergraduate and and 48 high school students Contribution to the the the ACS Community: Recognized for dedicated service as as a a a a a a a a a a a Councilor of of the the the Carolina-Piedmont section Program Chair Chair of of of of Southeastern Regional Meeting 2017 and and Chair Chair of of of of the the the the ACS History of of of of Chemistry Chemistry Division and and and the the the the U U S S S National Committee for the the the the Interna- tional Union of of of Pure and and Applied Chemistry Chemistry 9 l 2020 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS

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