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Keith R Cadwallader n n n n n n University of Illinois
Contribution to to the Science/Profession: Recognized for both fundamental and and applied con- tributions to to to to flavor flavor flavor chemistry and and and and flavor flavor flavor compound-protein interactions in in in in foods Internation- ally recognized as an an an an outstanding educator and and and mentor of future flavor flavor flavor scientists Contribution to to the the ACS ACS ACS Community: Recognized for service to to the the ACS ACS ACS Division of Ag- ricultural and and and Food Chemistry (AGFD)/ACS community He has led in in roles as as as as subdivision and and and division division Chair Chair Program Chair Chair and and and Alternate Councilor as as as as well as as as as programming efforts promote international participation in in AGFD David E Chavez n n n n n Los Alamos National Laboratory
Contribution to to to the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for distinguished contributions to to to the the the field of of of energetic energetic materials materials chemistry particularly the the the development of of of highly energetic energetic funda- mentally mentally novel and environmentally friendly materials materials important to national security Contribution to to to to the ACS Community: Recognized for for mentoring early-career scientists from historically marginalized groups in in in in in in both laboratory and and and classroom environments for for for provid- ing ing ing access to to to quality chemical education and and and for for serving and and and promoting ACS Project SEED Jonathan L Coffman n n n n n n n AstraZeneca
Contribution to to to the Science/Profession: Recognized for two seminal contributions that in- clude high throughput robotic chromatography screening and weak partitioning chromatogra- phy phy both of which are currently used broadly Internationally recognized leader in in in in in continuous bioprocessing Contribution to the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for successfully championing gender diversity throughout ACS ACS initiating the the Division of of Biochemical Technology (BIOT) Webi- nar Series to to allow global members to to access talks and and and inspiring and and and enabling generations of of diverse BIOT leaders and presenters Ana de Bettencourt-Dias n n n n n University of Nevada Reno
Contribution to the the the the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering studies of of of of lanthanides including the the the the creative synthesis of of of of new ligands and and and the the the the development of of of of unique coordination complexes with unprecedented structures that exhibit high impact luminescence and and and singlet oxygen emitting abilites Contribution to the ACS ACS ACS Community: Recognized for initiating innovative symposia at at at at at ACS ACS ACS national meetings in in in in in in in in in collaboration with virtual issues in in in in in in in in in ACS ACS ACS journals and and spearheading month- ly internet Periodic TableTalks for the the Division of Inorganic Chemistry during the the pandemic 17 l 2021 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS