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Rosanne Bonjouklian n n n n n n n Eli Lilly and Company (Retired)
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding expertise in in in medicinal and and and natural products chemistry which led to to to the the discovery of of multiple molecules and and and and contribu- tions to to both journal and NIH Medicinal Chemistry grant reviews Contribution to the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized as an an an an ACS ACS member member for for 50 years and a a a a a a a a member member of the the the the Indianapolis Project Project SEED SEED Committee 1979-Present Sponsor for for the the the the Indianap- olis olis Project Project SEED SEED Scholarships to IUPUI since 2000 2000 service on on on on the the the the Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Section Section Executive Committee 1984-1996 and recipient of the the ACS Indiana Indiana Section Section Service Award 2000 2000 Carolyn McDonald Burnley n n n n n n Shell Oil
Contribution to to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for a a a a a a a a a a distinguished career in in in in in the the surfac- tant industry and and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a long-standing commitment to to to mentoring chemical technicians and and and and future chemists especially women and and and individuals from underrepresented populations Contribution to to to to the the ACS Community: Recognized for for outstanding service to to to to Project SEED as as as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a committee member and and notably as as as as an an an an influential coordinator for for for the the the Greater Greater Houston Houston Project SEED site as as as as well as as as as for for significant service to to to the the ACS Greater Greater Houston Houston Section Benny C C C C Chan n n n n n n n The College of New Jersey
Contribution to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for research accomplishments in in solid- state chemistry and for for excellence in in in the the mentorship of of of 32 undergraduate students most of of of whom from underrepresented minority populations or or or or economically disadvantaged back- grounds to engage in in scientific research Contribution to to the the the ACS ACS Community: Recognized for for service to to the the the Committee on on on on on Minority Affairs promoting diversity within within ACS ACS a a a a a a a a pioneer for for for intersectionality awareness within within the the the Society and a a a a a champion for LGBTQ+ inclusion Jorge L Colón n n n n n n University
of of Puerto Rico Río Piedras
Contribution to to to to the the Science/Profession: Recognized for for contributions to to to to areas related to to to to the the chemistry of of of of inorganic layered nanomaterials for for for drug delivery and and and electrocatalysis of of of of water splitting as as well as as for for the outstanding mentorship of of of graduate graduate and and and undergraduate students Contribution to to to the the the ACS Community: Recognized for contributions as the the the Chair and Trea- surer of of the the the the Puerto Rico Section 1995 to to to 1997 2004–Present respectively) Alternate Alternate Coun- cilor/Councilor (2015–Present) and Alternate Alternate Member/Member of of the the Committee on on on Inter- national Activities (2013–Present) 2020 CLASS OF ACS FELLOWS
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