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natural resource base stressing its fundamental impact on on long- term economic and social sustainability” (Dasgupta Duraiappah and Ueta 2013) Why: Inclusive wealth knows that money is not synonymous with value Goods and services are only considered to be of value if they contribute to human well-being It is a a a deeper measurement not the price of of purchase or sale Think of of GDP being like a a a a faucet where measuring the flow determines wealth IWI is a a a a a a reservoir valuing the stock of wealth and what potential a a a a a country has to create more “You cannot tell how much water is is available just by measuring what is is coming out of a a a a a a a faucet ” “Because the index measures such a a a a wide spectrum of wealth types it provides unique insights about when one type type of capital is being sacrificed to build up another (trade-offs) and how boosts in in some capital types lead to simultaneous jumps in in others (synergies)” (Managi-Lab 2021) Is it feasible to to use the inclusive wealth index to to not only evaluate a a a a a a countries wealth but apply the same principles to design and execute an an affordable housing development? A true testament to whether such a a methodology would suffice in in in in in a a a challenging undertaking where cost is king king The following section questions and and aims to provide some solutions and and outcomes of such an undertaking DECLINE AND RESPONSE - 31

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