Page 6 - ASSET MANAGER 10 (EN)
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The following article gives an overview of the cloud software landscape regarding on- line accounting in Switzerland, the advantages and disadvantages of each product and corresponding criteria.
Author: Boris Blaser, dipl. Trust expert, Head of the Trust Institute 4.0 by TREUHAND l SUISSE
What are the basic requirements or expectations of a cloud ERP?
1. More flexibility and availability
Software companies promise you that you can do your bookkeeping anywhere in the world. With the appropriate terminals and access to a mobile network, it should be possible everywhere. Availability ends where networks are weak or the Internet connection does not have sufficient speed.
2. Work more efficiently and make better decisions
The realm of scanning or the connection to a bank ac- count, for example, is often included in this context. By keeping accounts on a regular basis with the appropriate tools, for example, you will notice more quickly if you get into a liquidity bottleneck or, for example, do not pay your debtors. Another nice side effect is that paper disappears with these solutions.
3. Data security
The question that keeps coming up in this area is 'Where is my data?' Many users still care about this only a little, but this is eminently important. Thus when you are choos- ing a provider, the question of data storage is extremely important.
4. Scalable software and prices
Compared with previous enterprise solutions, one of the best achievements is that most of the tools on offer work with packages. This means that you don't have to buy all the software right away, but can move step by step. That way, prices are more easily calculated.
Obtaining an ERP from the cloud saves effort needed for implementation. We see an important aspect of such indis- pensable software mainly in the areas of
data security and legal compliance. Last,
but not least, it should be possible to work with mobile devices on all prod- ucts. A view toward future growth also tells you which software to rely on. What is important is gaining efficien-
cy and flexibility with such a tool.
Certified Trusts specialist, Master FH in Trusts & Management Consulting Trusts Institute 4.0

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