Page 2 - Tech-Aug-Newletter
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 Onsite Tech Support
IT staff will be onsite to provide services. Please make an appointment by calling: North: 847-626-2200; West: 847-626-2720
Week of Aug 24, 2020: Monday-Friday: 8:30AM - 3PM Aug 31st - Winter Break
Niles West Box Office (Main Entrance) Mondays & Fridays 8:30AM - 12:00PM Wednesdays 12:00PM - 3:30PM
Electronic Tech Requests
Special requests for technology hardware and software can now be submitted electronically! It is fast, efficient and paperless!
Here is a quick video on how to submit a technology request
Need to Borrow a Monitor or Laptop?
We have a limited quantity of monitors and laptops that can be checked out for remote work.
Click here for more details
Caller ID Masking Service
District 219 Staff will have access to the Rival5 Caller-ID Masking service. This service will allow staff to make calls from a generic District telephone number without being in the District physically.
Click here for more information

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