Page 3 - Tech-Aug-Newletter
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Free Chromebook Repair
All students will be allowed one free Chromebook hardware repair per school year.
- The second hardware repair within the school year will cost $10
- Click here for more details
Computer Buy Program
The District?s Computer Buy/Loan Program is a zero-interest loan program for all employees to purchase personal computing equipment or peripherals.
Click here for more details
Do Not Go Phishing
Phishing attacks are alive and stronger due to the pandemic. Stay cyber-aware and lookout for tips, tricks and fun during the month of October: National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Email safety best practices - Click here
Good news! have have purchased 300 additional Zoom Licenses. Email
Quick links to Zoom resources.
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Virtual Notice to Parents
Remote Learning Privacy and Security Protocol
Video Conferencing Instructions for Zoom Breakout Room Instructions for Zoom
Phones and Call Forwarding
Stay Connected! Here are useful tools for District desk phone and how to forward your calls.
Phone Forwarding Voicemail
Need to Purchase an Apple Device?
It's easier than 1-2-3
- Obtain Apple quote from Tech Dept. (
- Provide department?s account number
- Fill out electronic tech request
* Pick-up will be arranged through the Help Desk * * This is not for personal purchases