Page 23 - Timeslips1
P. 23
Singing in the Rain: The Runaways
By: Cora, Stuart, Gordon, Candy, Carole, Susan, Bob, Andy, Paul, Michael, Connie, Alan, Joy, and Beth
The beach
Happens at the beach
And all the kids are excited
They’re drinking all the water
We’re trying to find out ourselves
He’s opening up his mouth
They’re dancing in the rain (Singing the tune “Singin in the Rain”) They’re trying to get something
Relatives, oh it’s all relative
They’re enjoying it together
They talk to each other
They could be going to school together
Maybe they’re playing hookie
Playing hockey?
I think they like doing it
A release
12 people... something like that
14 people! Yep
Booma Chakk Chakkyyyyy!
The pouring rain
Candy... Ahh candy sounds good
Feelings of being upset, because they were left behind They’re all having a good time
It’s gonna keep raining, screw it
It’s the end of the story
We don’t know whether it’s the end or not
If they don’t return, we don’t know what happens next
I don’t know it that guy has a gun in the back
Keep dancing
We don’t know what happens next
But we expect the worst
Tell me that guy doesn’t have a gun
They’re not going anywhere
The story has not yet been finished Dah-Dah-Dah-DAHHH!